Page 41 of Pyro
I left.
Chapter Fifteen
My head was all over the place the next morning when I walked into the kitchen to find King, Uncle Luc and Uncle Matt sitting at the table laughing as Bailey ate a pastry leaning against the counter. The one person I didn’t see was the person responsible for my sleepless night.
I could still feel his lips on mine as he held me tightly last night. When he kissed me, everything just felt right, as if I’d been kissing him my whole life. I knew I sounded crazy because I’d just met the man, but I couldn’t stop how I felt. I didn’t lie to him. I knew the first moment I saw him. My mom told me that some people were lucky in that regard to find their destined partner at first sight.
I never thought I’d be one of those people.
Even when he panicked and started backpedaling, I didn’t worry. Did I get upset? Yes. Who wouldn’t, after experiencing the most magical kiss in the world, and have your feelings rejected by the one you want the most?
So yeah, it hurt.
I knew Chase was still grieving the loss of his wife. Even after all this time, the love he felt for her must have been soul-consuming and then suddenly to have feelings for someone else. Of course, he was confused and scared. I was too. But I knew I wasn’t the only one who felt something last night and while his words hurt me, I wasn’t giving up on him. If he needed time, then that’s what I would give him.
“Good morning, Sky,” Uncle Matt smiled up at me.
Returning the smile, I replied, “Good morning.”
Looking around, I asked, “Where is Chase? Did he already leave for the site?”
“He left last night, sweetie,” King sobered. “You won’t be working with him anymore. In fact, Bailey wants to offer you the receptionist position at her shop.”
“Thank you for the offer, Bailey, but no, King. I’m not quitting that job.” I fumed, storming out of the kitchen.
How dare he do that shit to me?
If he thought I was just going to walk away and forget everything, he had another thing coming. I may be young and inexperienced in the ways of the world, but I knew what I wanted. And I wanted him. He may not be ready for another relationship right now, but that didn’t give him the right to take away the only job I had. I wanted the job at the site. I didn’t care if he couldn’t stand being around me. The money I planned to make there would set me and Cameron up so I could buy us a place. I did the math. If I worked hard and saved every penny, I would have enough for a down payment on a small house within six months. Plus, the insurance alone was worth the hassle of dealing with the man. Chase Montclair may want nothing to do with me, but he wasn’t going to get rid of me that easily.
Seeing Priest at the bar, I marched over to him. “Priest, can you give a ride out to the construction site? Apparently, my ride left without me.”
“Um,” the handsome man rubbed the back of his neck as King, Bailey and my uncles walked out of the kitchen. “I don’t think you work there anymore, Sky. Thought you were going to be working with Bailey.”
“I’m not quitting. If he wants to be a petulant child about everything, then he can tell me to my face. Now, can you take me or am I walking?”
“I’ll take you, darlin’,” Scribe grinned happily as he walked over, placing an arm around my shoulders, quickly kissing the top of my head.
“Scribe,” King growled, narrowing his eyes at the loveable goof.
“What?” Scribe chuckled. “If my darlin’ wants to work with dickhead, who am I to tell her no?”
“You’re stirring the pot, asshole.”
“And what a delicious pot it is,” Scribe replied happily. “Come on, darlin’. Let’s get you to work. You know I like fancy and expensive things. I can shop till I drop. Remember that when my birthday rolls around.”
Confused, I looked between King and Scribe. I knew I was missing something here, but seeing Bailey hide her laughter I figured it wasn’t too bad and let Scribe walk me out of the clubhouse.
Pulling into the construction site, I spotted Chase, who was standing next to a few brothers, who all looked shocked to see me. I didn’t care. I was here to do a job.
That was it.
Plain and simple.
As Scribe slowed his bike to a stop, he held out his hand. Taking it, I stepped off his bike as Chase marched over to me.
“What the hell are you doing here, Skylar Rose?”