Page 43 of Pyro
Nodding, I got to my feet and followed him out to his truck.
Laughing as I sat across from him in Beth’s coffee shop, as he regaled me with a story from his childhood. “I’m serious. Mom was furious as she yelled at Dad, blaming him for corrupting her sons. I didn’t understand what the big deal was, because Callum and Cord always snuck into dad’s magazines.”
“What did your dad do?”
“Apologized profusely. Even promised to get rid of all of them, but he never did. He just found another place to hide them.”
“And how long did it take for your mom to find the new hiding place?”
“Three days. When she found them, she set the entire box on fire right in front of the clubhouse. Dad was furious. Apparently, some of those magazines were collector items.”
“My dad had magazines, too. Mom didn’t mind them. She told me once she would rather Dad look at a magazine than seek the real thing. I never really understood what she meant by that, but I knew Dad loved Mom and would never hurt her like that.”
“Your mom was more sensible than mine. Mom always hated the women who hung around the club. Especially when Cassie was around.”
“Your sister, right?”
Chase nodded.
“I saw a picture of the four of you in King’s office. Where is she? Does she live around here?”
Chase shook his head. “No. Cassie died several years ago.”
“Oh Chase,” I whispered, reaching across the table, reaching for his hand. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t know.”
“It’s okay,” he shrugged. “It was a long time ago. Cassie would have loved you. You are a lot like her, you know. She was sweet and gentle like you. Always trying to make everyone around her happy.”
“What happened, if I can ask?”
“Someone kidnapped her from her dorm room while she attended Virginia Tech. She was barely eighteen when a member of the Golden Skulls took her. Mom and Dad lost their shit. They looked everywhere for her. Eventually, the not knowing took its toll and five years after her abduction, Mom died. Dad followed shortly after. It wasn’t a good time back then. We eventually found out what happened to her when we learned her daughter, Jessica, was with the Golden Skulls.”
“The same club that took her?”
“Yeah. Only a different President. The new President Reaper reached out to Callum and the three of us flew to California. When we saw Jess, we knew. She is the spitting image of Cassie. Down to the spray of freckles across her nose. Jessica lives near us now. She’s married to Savage, the Sergeant of Arms for the Golden Skulls. They have four children and if I know Savage, he will make damn sure Jess is pregnant again before Christmas.”
“So, the Golden Skulls are close?”
“Yeah. They have a chapter just over the border in Tennessee. Only an hour or so away. Jess is a nurse and works part time over at the Rosewood clinic with Dr. Claudia.”
“My mom wanted to be a nurse before she married Dad. Maybe that’s why she was always trying to talk me into college. She never got to go. She and Dad got married right after high school. Dad was due to ship out and didn’t want to leave Mom with no kind of support. I think some part of her believed she missed out. Of course, she would have never said so. She lovedDad.Loved everything about being married.”
“You ever think about joining the military?”
“No. I loved growing up in the military, but I’m too stubborn. I couldn’t stand someone yelling at me and telling me what to do all the time.”
Chase chuckled.
“I can understand that.” Looking at his watch, he added, “We should get back.”
“Thank you for lunch.”
“You’re welcome, Skylar Rose.” He smiled a genuine smile.
Getting to my feet, I heard the bell over the door.
Looking over his shoulder, I froze in my spot.
My hands started shaking as I took a step back.