Page 52 of Pyro
“Take a seat, honey,” an older woman with graying hair smiled. “It’s gonna be a while.”
“Can I see him?”
“After we get him processed in the system. Shouldn’t take long. Pyro’s been here before.”
Doing as the woman said, I had just taken my seat when the man from the Country Club walked in, furious. “Where the fuck is he?! I want his ass charged with assault.”
“Sit down, Brian, before I put you over my knee.”
I smirked at that.
I liked this woman a lot.
“You can’t talk to me that way, Linda. I’m on the city council.”
“I diapered your ass. Sit down, boy.”
Huffing, the irate man did as he was told, only to smirk when he saw me sitting as well.
“If you know what’s good for you, you better stay the fuck away from Chase Montclair. He’s a killer.”
“Brian Matthews, you leave that young lady alone. Don’t make me get the duct-tape, young man.”
“She isn’t a lady, Linda. She’s a club whore.”
“I fucking know you just didn’t call my future sister-in-law a whore, asshole.”
Looking up, I saw Gunner, standing behind the man, who visibly stiffened, before slowly turning around. Moving past Gunner, I saw Mike and Beth Brewer. Both rushed over to me, Beth quickly gathering me in her arms.
“It’s going to be okay, Skylar. We’ll get Chase out soon,” Mike said, as Mr. Matthews sneered viciously. “Future sister-in-law? You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. Well, I guess when the bitch’s car goes off the cliff like my sister’s, we’ll know who to blame this time.”
Gunner grabbed Mr. Matthews by his suit jacket, slamming him against the wall, hard. “I fucking know you did not just threaten an innocent woman, dickface!”
“Not a threat if it’s the truth. Hey, maybe your fucking whore will suffer the same fate!”
Before Mike could stop him, Gunner hauled off and punched the bastard in the face, breaking his nose. “You go near my wife, and I will fucking kill you!”
“Jesus Christ,” Mike groaned, looking at the woman behind the counter and the sheriff’s deputy. “He didn’t mean it, Linda. I swear!”
“Oh, he meant it,” Priest chuckled, leaning against the wall smirking as the sound of loud pipes roared up in front of the building. I didn’t even see him enter the building.
Moments later, King and the rest of the Sons of Hell marched in, furious.
Looking around, King surveyed the area before shouting, “McClure! Get the fuck out here!”
Walking over to Gunner, who still had Mr. Matthews up against the wall, King clearly said, “Let him go, Gunner.”
“He threatened my wife and kids.”
“Now, Gunner.”
Huffing, Gunner slammed the man against the wall one more time before walking away, only for Mike to take his place as he whispered. “Anything happens to my daughter or grandchildren your family will be picking your brains up off the sidewalk.”
Mr. Matthews gulped as his face paled.
This whole mess was turning into a three-ringed circus, fast.
“Okay, Sons of Hell, move to the left. Matthews, on the right.”