Page 6 of Pyro
“Now Sky, I meant no harm. Just want what’s owed.”
“I don’t owe you anything but an ass beating for touching my brother. Now get the fuck off my land before I do just that!”
The fat bastard hightailed it fast as he ran from the clearing.
Dropping the branches, Skylar sighed, bending over as she rested her hands on her knees as she tried to calm herself.
The kid let go of my leg and walked over to her, hugging her.
“It’s okay Sky. He’s gone now.”
Skylar turned to look at her brother and growled, “Home. Now.”
The kid flinched, then nodded before he ran.
If he knew what was good for him, he better run for home because the look his sister gave him even scared me.
Standing my ground, I asked, “You, okay?”
“I’m fine,” she said, standing back up. “Follow me and I’ll hitch up the wagon for you.”
Not wanting to be on the receiving end of her ire, I did just that.
The sun was high in the afternoon sky when the wagon came to a stop in the middle of a street. Jumping down from the wagon, I looked at the young woman and her brother. “Thanks for the ride.”
“The general store will have a phone for you to use and the bus picks up over at the post office no later than five.”
Reaching for my wallet, I took out a few hundred bucks and handed them to her. The woman just looked at it. “Don’t want your money, mister. You had best get on over to the General Store and get in line. It’s the only phone around for miles, so everyone uses it. Just take a number from Patty when you go inside and wait your turn.”
Looking over my shoulder, I saw the store she was talking about and the line of people waiting.
Turning back to the young woman, I handed her the money along with my card. “You ever need anything. Just call that number.”
Skylar picked up the card and read, “Sons of Hell Motorcycle Club. Montclair Construction. Chase Montclair. Owner.”
“That’s me. But my club brothers call me Pyro.”
“Well, Mr. Montclair. It was nice meeting you.” She smiled, extending her hand.
“You too, Skylar,” I replied, quickly shaking her hand, before I looked at her brother, extending my hand again. Cameron looked at it before placing his dirty hand in mine. “Young man, you take care of your sister, okay?”
“Yes, sir.” The kid smiled, shaking my hand.
Chapter Two
Two weeks later.
“Pyro!” Scribe shouted as he pulled into the construction site. As one of the top Architectural Drafting and Design firms in the area, my company was always in demand. Add to the fact that I also owned my own construction crew, I was constantly busy building fancy log homes for the uber rich who frequented our little area of the world.
Rosewood, Virgina was a tourist hotspot. With the beautiful Shenandoah Mountains, scenic trails, seasonal skiing and just about any outdoor activity around to tickle anyone’s fancy, those who had money wanted a small piece of my heaven and I had no problem helping them spend their money.
Looking up from the house plans I was currently building, I watched as my brother got off his bike and walked over to me. While I generally didn’t mind when a brother interrupted me, Scribe was becoming a daily nuisance. I didn’t know what trouble he got himself into this time, but I was too busy to care.
“King wants you at the clubhouse. Now.”