Page 66 of Pyro
“Jeez, Sissy. No need to yell. I’m right here,” the brat said from behind me, making me jump.
“Put a bell on!” I gasped. “You scared the crap out of me.”
“Don’t see how. You can see everywhere in this house. Not one decent place to hide.”
“Get your butt in the Jeep. You are going to be late for school.”
“I want to ride the bus.”
“The bus doesn’t pick up out here. You know that.”
“Then take me to the clubhouse.”
“Boy, get in the Jeep. I’m taking you to school.”
Cameron’s shoulders slumped as he walked out of the house. Poor kid looked like he was heading off to the guillotine. Jumping into the backseat, Cameron got in his booster seat and buckled up.
Yeah, that was another source of contention with my brother. He hated that I made him sit in his safety seat. If the brat didn’t dawdle this morning, I would have dropped him off at the clubhouse so he could ride the bus with his friends. But because he did, we were both going to be running late today.
And I was right.
We were late.
After dropping Cameron off at school, I was driving through town, headed back up the mountain, when I got a call. Hitting my Bluetooth button on the steering wheel, I connected the call.
“Babe, where are you?”
“Cameron,” I growled, knowing that was all I needed to say.
Chase chuckled. “I’ll talk with him again. Hey, since you are still in town, mind stopping at Beth’s and getting everyone a coffee?”
“Nope,” I said, turning on my blinker, as I slowed the Jeep to make a U-turn. Finding a parking spot close to the coffee shop, I unbuckled. “Thanks, babe.”
“Uh-huh, you owe me,” I smirked as he laughed.
“I look forward to it. Be careful. I’ll see you when you get here.”
The call disconnected.
Grabbing my bag, I got out of my Jeep and headed inside Beth’s Coffee Shop. Chase told me that Beth and Mike were transplants like me. Only they hailed from Rhode Island. Mike was a former Marine Sniper who recently retired. Wanting a slower pace of life, they moved to Rosewood so Beth could have her dream of owning and operating a coffee shop. The place was an enormous hit with the locals of Rosewood, and now Beth’s Coffee Shop was an institution. Everyone graced the small shop daily for their cups of joe. None more than the Sons of Hell, especially King, who only drank Beth’s special brew.
The bell above the door jingled as I walked in to find the place packed. Tourist season was in full swing in Rosewood. With winter just right around the corner, Chase told me the town would only get busier.
“Hi, Skylar,” Beth smiled, waving at me as she helped another customer. “Be with you in a minute, sweetie.”
“No rush, Beth. Chase has me picking up for everyone today.”
“So, you’re his fucking maid, too?”
Stiffening, I refused to turn around. I knew that voice. It was Brian Matthews, Ellie’s brother. The same brother that tried to have Chase arrested for assault. The man rubbed me the wrong way from the moment I met him, and I didn’t want anything to do with him.
“Heard congratulations are in order. You married the murderer.”
Seeing the customer in front of me walk away with their purchase, I stepped up to the counter. “Hi Beth. Can I get seven Americanos black and one vanilla latte?”
“Any snacks?”
“Yeah, box up a dozen scones. You choose.” I smiled as Beth walked away to prepare my order.