Page 76 of Pyro
The fact was, I had no clue. One minute we were friends and the next he fucking hated everything about me. Nothing made sense. We didn’t have a big blowout, nothing.
“Don’t know, King. Nothing comes to mind. You all remember about as much as I do. He was fine with me watching out for Ellie, but the moment we got together, he changed. You were there when he showed up days later, drunk, spewing filth. He upset Ellie, so I kicked him to the curb.”
“Have you talked to Ellie’s parents? Maybe they can shed some light on why their son is going off the rails?” Priest asked.
“After Ellie’s death, they moved away. I haven’t spoken to them since her funeral. Even her older brothers are gone. The only one who stayed is Brian.”
“And to make matters worse, he’s a councilman. We can’t just talk to him like we would someone on the street,” Priest added.
“King, what about what Skylar said this morning?”
My brother sighed. “Been thinking about that and while Sky is right about the phrasing, I don’t see Brian killing his sister. What motive would he have for doing that? Besides, when they recovered the car, the authorities lookedit over with a fine-tooth comb. There was no tampering.”
“Don’t like this, King,” Scribe muttered. “Gut is telling me we’re missing something here.”
“I feel it too,” Frank added.
“Pyro, reach out to Ellie’s parents. See if they can remember anything from that day,” King said, then added, “In the meantime, I want Skylar and Cameron confined to the clubhouse. With the wedding tomorrow, she won’t question it.”
With church over, I headed out with the brothers, in search ofSkylar to find the common room empty. Reaching for my phone, I was about to call her when Gunner cursed.
“Fucking damn-it!”
“Missed Sarah’s doctor appointment,” he said, looking at his phone, then sighed. “All’s good. Skylar drove her. They have Cameron too. And it looks like the girls are at Beth’s Coffee Shop with Bailey. Sarah said the appointment went fine and they will be home soon. Something about helping Bailey with a problem.”
“What problem?” King asked, walking over.
“Don’t know,” Gunner muttered. “Sarah didn’t say.”
Scribe, coming up behind us, hung his arms over our shoulders. “If you two fucking pussies don’t put those phones away, you are going to miss all the fun.”
Just then, the clubhouse doors opened and in walked several girls, all scantily dressed as Priest hip-bumped the jukebox, music blasting through speakers.
“It’s party time!”
Sitting at the bar next to King, with Gunner on the other side, we watched as the brothers drank, laughed and partied with the beautiful women. Apparently, Scribe went all out for King’s bachelor party and hired a whole troupe of professional strippers from one of the best strip clubs in Knoxville. Had to admit, they were good too.
“Did you know he planned this?” King asked, taking a swig of his beer, watching the merriment.
“Nope,” I muttered, grinning. “But did you expect anything less from Scribe?”
“Why didn’t I get a bachelor party?” Gunner asked, as King and I both turned to look at the newly reformed man whore. Gunner was lucky to be standing upright after the fiasco with him and Sarah. Mike was still butthurt about how it all went down and made damn sure Gunner knew it. Fucker was still trying to get in Mike’s good graces.
“You’re kidding, right?” King asked.
“Seriously, Gunner?” I added.
“What?” my brother smirked. “Every man deserves one last hurrah!”
“Go ahead then, Ditchdigger,” King waved his hand towards the merriment. “Hurrah away.”
Gunner gulped, looking at us, then at the fun. “Never mind.”
Laughing, I shook my head and wondered what Skylar was doing at this very minute.
“Shoot her!” Jessica shouted, ducking as Bailey threw another roll of paper towels at us. All of us were stuck behind the receptionist’s desk in Venom’s Ink. The second we walked in, Bailey started hurling items at us. While I was only here for moral support, I was starting to believe that Bailey really didn’t want a damn tattoo.