Page 9 of Royally Flocked
“What is he?” Rune countered. “He kind of looks like a faerie.”
Sindri frowned. “He doesn’t smell like a faerie.”
“He doesn’t feel like one either,” Aksel agreed. “Nor any other kind of fae.”
Sighing, Pepper turned to the group, his spine ramrod straight, and his hands clasped together at his belt. “I am a familiar.”
Sindri tilted his head. “Like a cat?”
“Yes.” Purple smoke swirled around him, and in the next instance, a black cat with glowing lavender eyes appeared where Pepper had been standing. A pause, another puff of smoke, and the cat transformed into an identical replica of Sindri. “And no.”
“Whoa.” Instead of being freaked out or upset, Sindri took a step forward, his eyes narrowed. “Do I really look like that?”
Pepper shifted once more, back to his regular appearance, complete with a dispassionate expression. “I am a familiar. A demon. A spirit—”
“Like a ghost?” Rune asked.
Erus held his hands up in supplication when his assistant turned to glare at him. He found their lack of education just as disappointing as Pepper did, but it wasn’t his fault.
“I’m leaving.”
Probably for the best. Pepper didn’t anger easily, but when he did lose his temper, his retaliation would make Erus’ earlier punishment look like a day at Disneyland.
Without goodbyes or any other type of acknowledgment, Pepper simply disappeared. There one minute and gone the next.
“He’s not really a people person,” Erus explained when he noticed the concerned look on Orrin’s face. “Don’t worry. He knows the way home.”
“Where exactly is home?”
“San Diego.”
His mate arched an eyebrow at him. “Really?”
“For now.” He would have said more, but a loud, furious growl interrupted him. Lifting his head, he pinned Tyr with narrowed eyes. “Can I help you with something?”
“Someone tell me what the fuck is going on!”
“Pay attention,” Sindri muttered next to him. “Our prince is mated to that guy, and the little dude was a ghost cat.”
An oversimplification, but mostly correct. Though, he imagined Pepper would find offense in the description. Erus was kind of sorry he had let him leave because he would have paid good money to see his reaction.
Tyr ignored his comrade. “What did he mean when he said that you’re our boss?”
“They’re just confused,” Orrin whispered to him. “Honestly, I’m a little confused as well.”
Okay, fair. Perhaps a more formal introduction was in order. “I am Cerberus, the original Guardian of the Underworld, and the Director of the Ministry Department of Defense.”
Sindri, forever curious, wrinkled his nose and asked, “Like the three-headed dog?”
“Do I look like a fucking dog to you?” He took a deep breath and let out slowly when a hand landed on his forearm. Patting Orrin’s fingers in comfort, he tried again. “Don’t believe everything you read. I’m not a shifter. I don’t transform into a canine, or anything else for that matter.”
“But you are that Cerberus?” Rune asked.
“I am.”
“The Underworld isn’t real, though.”
“I assure you it very much is.” Maybe he would send them on a day trip to prove it.