Page 14 of Sebastian Gerald

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Page 14 of Sebastian Gerald

It hadn’t been a good death for her or her brothers either. While he knew that it had been planned, it still shocked him when he was informed of the accident. It was funny to him that her demise hadn’t warranted as much press as a mobster had when he passed away three days ago. Heather and her two brothers had suffered badly for their part in the killing of some of the Roman family and the kidnapping of Sebastian. And he wasn’t going to lose any sleep over her death or that of her brothers. He promised himself he wasn’t going to think of them ever again.

The bus that they’d been in headed to prison had been hit by a train while crossing the tracks. The driver of the train and the few people on board weren’t hurt at all. The bus driver, a man who was set to retire, had died on impact. But Sebastian had heard that his family made out much better for his being killed in the line of duty rather than taking his retirement and pension. He knew what was going to happen before he got on the bus. Dying this way rather than rotting away with cancer seemed a better way to him. Sebastian was happy that things had worked out for everyone.

“Before I forget to tell you, Grandda is out in the barns looking over some of the stuff that has been stored out there. He told me that if he wasn’t in by lunch, I was to send out a search party that he was lost for good.” Sebastian said he’d go out there and help him. “I have a list of things that I’d like for you guys to look for besides the decorations. When my family was killed, all the furniture from my parent’s bedroom was stored away for me to go through. According to the list from the attorney, there is mom’s jewelry box, which it says right here is fairly large, as well as some books that my dad treasured that were put out there. If you could find them, that would be wonderful. I don’t know what shape they’d be in after all this time, but I want to sell it. Or give it away. I don’t need to hold onto their things to hurt when I see them.” She left him to go to her office.

“We’ll find them.” He was just getting himself a sandwich when he heard from Toby again. She asked him to find out if there was any clothing out there. “I doubt that it would be any good after all this time. What on earth do you want those for? I suppose it’s none of my business, but I’m just curious.”

“Everything about my life concerns you now, too. I want you to never forget that, Sebastian. I love you.” He grinned at her while eating. “They were my parents’ things, and I thought that someone might get some use of the material if nothing else. I don’t want them, not at all, but someone might be able to cut them down into something nicer. Like a blanket or even a prom dress. I don’t know.” He told her he was sorry. “Don’t be. It was a strange thing to ask for. Also, there might be some of James’ things out there, too. Trucks and such. Kelly might be able to play with them by next summer. The other kids as well might get some use out of them as well.”

By the time he was headed to the storage barn, he had a longer list than just the few things that had been mentioned from her first thing. He was happy to see that some of his brothers had joined Tucker on the project of seeing what was in the large metal barn. They’d unearthed the Halloween items, too, he was happy to see. Caleb and Harlin were seeing if they were usable. Even Harlin’s kids were helping as much as they could. Actually, it looked to him like they were more in the way than not, but he didn’t care. It was a beautiful day, and he was enjoying life again.

“Did you read about your friend Parker’s mom? His family is having a large party. It’s to celebrate his life. And from what I’ve read, he had a good one, too. He’s nothing at all like his father and has, I guess, cooperated with the police, dealing with a lot of unsolved deaths that his father might have had a hand in. Also, his sons. They’re making welcome. I don’t know what that means to them, but that’s what the newspaper is calling their policy on how things are being done now that Papa Parker is gone.” He said that he’d seen it this morning, telling Martin that they were going to go to it too. “Do you think they’d mind if we showed up unannounced? I think it would be a blast just to watch people hanging out. I know that there will be good food there as well.”

“I was going to extend the invite to you all anyway. That way, you can meet some of my new family at the same time that I do.” Joey asked if the will had been read as yet. “Not yet. With Parker’s mom dying just after he did, there were a lot of things that had to be taken care of first. Mostly, I think that it’s finding a venue for the two services. Then, after that, the funeral itself. There will be a great many people that want to lookee-lookee.” Sebastian pulled out a large trunk and sat it on the ground. “This one says that it has books in it. Do you think we should start making piles of things in order? I know that the library is empty of books right now, and these might fill in the spaces.”

“Excellent idea.” After getting organized with where things were going, things seemed to flow much better. There was a lot to sort through, too. Years of stuff from several generations had been stored here. “What’s in this one? It has two marks on it. Books, then toys. Do you suppose it’s the trucks that are for Kelly?”

They decided to put those things, double-marked or not marked at all, closer to the house. Whatever happened to be in them would be sorted out later. However, as it turned out, there were three trunks and several boxes that held toys. Some of them belonged to Toby if he didn’t miss his bet.

They weren’t your everyday girly kind of things either. There was a chemistry set as well as blocks made of solid wood. He thought that James might have played with them, too, but he knew in his heart that they belonged to Toby. He didn’t find much in the way of dolls, just one that he thought was an heirloom. He put that aside out of harm’s way so that he could ask her about it later.

Everything that they’d pulled out and opened looked like it had just been put away. Even the trucks, older than even Toby, it seemed, were in great condition. He was stacking the things up in a way that he could carry them into the house when they were finished when Toby called them all in for lunch. Sebastian was surprised to find that the other wives were there as well with the kids.

“We thought we’d have a nice fun afternoon with the kids. They can break in the toys for Kelly and have something to do as well.” The shelves were cleaned off for the books in the large library, and each of them brought in a couple of the trunks to be put away. The ladies were going to do that, and he couldn’t have been happier with the turnout. Even Tucker was getting into bringing memories back into the old house. “How’s it going out there?”

“Great, actually. We’re organizing the boxes that we know we want to keep close to the house. Mostly, that’s decorations for the yard. And Caleb had a great idea in hiring the local kids to put the decorations up for us. There are a great many Christmas ones. Most of which I think work.” Toby looked like an excited kid to hear that. “Caleb and Tabby want to host Thanksgiving this year, and I volunteered us for Christmas. I hope you don’t mind.”

“No, not at all. I think that’s wonderful. Do you know if any of them do traditional things?” He said that the only one that he knew had ever celebrated Christmas was Caleb. “That’s sad. So we’ll have to go all out on this, including the kids. We’ll make it our first Christmas together as a family. I wonder if Daniel will make it here by then. He’s still being looked for, correct?”

“Last I heard, there wasn’t a home where his last address was. Caleb did some research, and it turns out that the apartment building had been condemned long ago, and they finally tore it down. They did give vouchers to the people living there, but no one picked up Daniels. With the voucher, they were supposed to give their new address. However, since he didn’t pick his up, that left them without a forwarding. But he is still looking for him.” Toby nodded, but he could tell she was distracted. “What is it you’re thinking, honey? Anything that I can help you with? Or have someone else help you with?” Her laughter made him smile.

“No. I was just thinking about how hard this must have been on all of them. Being sired by the same bastard. Then, if that wasn’t bad enough, all of them have had a terrible life but Caleb. I’m so glad that you made it here.” He said that he was, as well. When the doorbell rang, he said that he had it. On his way there, he saw a large stretch limo in the driveway. “Oh, that’s for me.”

“You going someplace without me?” When she raced him to the door, he laughed. While he didn’t have a clue what was going on, he was excited because she was. As soon as the doorbell rang, he stood stock still as he looked at the little girl standing there. “Daisy? My goodness. Look how much you’ve grown.”

He couldn’t have been more surprised than to find his little sister—well, the little girl he’d been told was his sister—standing on the front steps of their home. Hugging her just didn’t seem enough, so he kept at it until they both pulled apart laughing.

“How did you—” He looked up at Toby. “You did this, didn’t you? Brought her home for me.”

“I brought her home for us. Caleb pulled a few strings for her, and we’ve adopted her. She and I have been getting to know one another on her trip here by way of cell phone. She’s excited to have such a large family waiting for her. And a little brother.” He hugged Toby tightly, too. “Take her in and—”

Daisy hugged Toby. Tightly too. When she went on bent knee to get a better hug, he called for his family to come and meet the newest family member. Sebastian couldn’t believe that she’d done this for him and couldn’t wait to show her around. His family was complete…for the moment, anyway. And he couldn’t have been any happier than he was right this minute.

She went to pick out her room, and he wasn’t surprised that she chose the one closest to Kelly’s room. When she finally got to meet their son, she mothered over him like the two of them had been together forever. Once they were settled down and enjoying getting to know each other, he and the other men went out to the barn again to find what they could for the house. It was going to take them forever at the rate they were going right now.

By dark, they were finished with the barn. Mostly, it was just emptied out into the yard, but they had it all separated into neat piles of what went where. After bringing in all the crates and boxes that had books written on them, it didn’t seem as daunting. But there were still lots of things to sort through, but now it was easier to get put away.

“You do know that there are two more barns like this one on the property, don’t you?” He put his hand over her mouth and told her that they’d not get help if she told them. “I guess you’re right. This calls for a celebration. Tomorrow night, let’s have steaks on the grill for everyone.”

“I love that idea.” He did, too. After everyone left with the invite to come back tomorrow, it was Joey who suggested that they invite the extended family as well. Having them all together as a family was something that he loved even more. “We’ll make it about five. That way, we can talk while the food is being readied.”

In the end, it was decided that it was going to be too many people to have to cook for. So Toby made a few calls, and they were going to have some people come and cook for them. Also, she ordered side dishes to be made up, as well as someone to come in and clean up after they were done. Sebastian thought that was a much better idea anyway. They could visit with the family rather than running around messing with cooking duties.


“You’ll be here for the reading of the will, right?” Sebastian looked confused, but Harold nodded. “You will be. Your name is mentioned in it as well.”

“No, that can’t be right. I only just met your father a few days before his death. Besides, I’m not sure what he’d have to say about me in the will.” Harold told him that he was family. “I know, but only barely family. I don’t need anything more than what I have right now. This is more than I could have hoped for when I went to see your father.”

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