Page 49 of Protecting Paris
“Don’t insult me.”
He scrubbed his hands down his face. “I don’t know what to do, man. I can tell how much she cares about you, the way she was looking at you… she trusts you, and I don’t want to do anything to jeopardize that. I wasn’t sure pigeonholing her to come to my place last night was going to work. After we talked, I was glad I did because I feel like I finally got my sister back, and I don’t want to jeopardize that, either, but I’m finally in a position where my dad can’t touch me. She’s not, and I want to end that.”
I pulled a chair out and sat down. He turned the other one and lowered himself onto the leather cushion. “I was already struggling with this,” I admitted. “Before we get deeper into this, I’m gonna be honest with you and say I’m in love with your sister.”
“Good because I’m pretty sure she feels the same way, but she won’t admit it until she isn’t afraid of our dad anymore.”
Damn, my chest puffed up. “I haven’t even told her that yet, so going behind her back to expose her secrets doesn’t sit well with me.”
“I appreciate your integrity, but you have to. It’s the only way we’ll know the truth so we can help her… and put an end to his reign of terror once and for all.”
I released a breath. “I agree. Which is why I’m going to do it, but help me out here. What the fuck am I gonna find, Austin?”
“I’m not exactly sure, but here’s what I do know…” Aside from telling me about what Austin himself was blackmailed with, he told me things I already knew, but that was it. This meant that even though he lived under the same roof, he didn’t know what happened that changed her.
Damn, I was hoping he’d have something new for me. “I need some time, but I will get to the bottom of it.”
He slapped his thighs and stood. “Thanks. I’m around if you need anything at all.”
“I’ll let you know.”
“One more thing.” He cracked the door open. “The shit you might hear around town about her, the stories and dirty looks you’ll get if you take her out? Those people don’t know her. They have no clue she’s been sacrificing practically her entire life to make sure nobody got close to her because she knew Dad could, and would, use them as leverage.”
“I know that, Austin. I don’t give a shit about anyone else or what they think they know about her.”
He faintly smiled. “I figured that, but my point is she’ll do the same to you. I’m convinced she loves you, but she’s trying to convince herself that she’s not good enough. Don’t let her do that, Scotty. Please. She deserves so much more than an apartment full of cats.”
She did. “I know that, man, and even if I give her everything, it still won’t be enough, but I’m damn sure gonna try.”
* * *
I knocked on Paris’s door at five forty-five. She opened with a curious expression on her face. “Hey.”
“Hey, sugar.” I stepped inside and curled my fingers around her neck, then pulled her to me for a kiss. “Did you feed the cats yet?”
“Did you eat yet?”
“No. Why?”
I glanced at her outfit to make sure she’d be comfortable. “I’m taking you out. Come on, let’s go.”
“What are you talking about?”
“We both worked all day, we both need food, and I want to go out.” She didn’t move, and I put my hands in prayer position. “Pretty please.”
She nibbled on the inside of her cheek while she tried to figure me out. “Okay, I am hungry, but are you going to act weird like this all night?”
“You’re the one acting weird.” I grabbed her hand. “Get your ID. It’s the only thing you’ll need.”
“All right, already, jeez. Since when are you so damn bossy?” she murmured as she took her license out of her wallet.
“I’ve always been bossy, sugar. You were just too busy trying to push me away to notice.”
* * *
My glass was suspended midair when Paris laughed so hard she snorted. “Oh my God.” She choked, fanning her face with her hands.