Page 71 of Protecting Paris
I typed quickly and hit send, then asked my dad to repeat his question.
A couple minutes later, another text popped up, and I glanced down to read her reply.
They’ll look even better against your skin after I spank your ass red.
I didn’t reply because we were pulling up to the venue. Dad followed the signs to park, and we got out and opened the doors for the women. When Georgia’s hand touched mine, I squeezed tight and pulled her next to me. “Are you trying to kill me?” I asked quietly as we trailed behind our parents.
“I love you, Beau. Why would I want you dead?” She bumped into me, and I looked down to see her gazing up at me with a flirty smile. “I much prefer you when your blood is pumping, especially when it goes straight to your co—”
“We’re gonna go take a look around the grounds,” I hollered, already dragging Georgia into the garden area. It was lined with holly bushes that were all trimmed neatly and arranged almost like a maze.
“Slow down.” She giggled as I started jogging.
I spotted a bench mostly hidden behind a flower bed, and when we got there, she bit her lip and looked around nervously. “You know I’d never let anyone see your body, but we don’t have a lot of time, Gigi, and I need you.”
She nodded, then started shimmying up her skirt and watched as I undid my belt and zipper, then took out my hard cock. “Wow, you really do need me.”
I maneuvered us to face the path so I could see if anyone approached. She put her hands on the bench and wiggled her ass. Without delay, I pushed in, and when I couldn’t go any farther, I leaned over her and gripped her jaw, turning her face so she looked into my eyes. “I do need you, but for more than this.” I kissed her softly. “I need you to breathe, Gigi.”
“I know, honey, and I need you too. But right now, I really need you to fuck me.”
“You got it, baby.” Then I gave her what she needed, but took what I couldn’t live without.
“I don’t know why I can’t come. I’m not a baby.” Lucy pouted as we pulled up to Mr. and Mrs. Hayes’s house.
“The wedding is for adults only, Lucille. I’ve already explained why.” I didn’t blame Scotty for not allowing kids. This was Paris’s day, and after everything she’d been through, he didn’t want to risk babies crying, toddlers throwing a fit, or older kids being reckless to ruin it.
Cheyenne reached behind her and tapped Lucy’s knee until she looked at her mother. “Sometimes kids can come to parties, and sometimes they can’t. Like anything, you don’t always get everything you want. Pouting won’t change it, but it will change your face and give you wrinkles.”
Lucy rolled her eyes and then unbuckled her seat belt when I parked. “I know. Zoey and I will just have to make our own party, then. Won’t we, Zoey?” She grinned at her baby sister.
“No. You and Aubrey are helping Mr. and Mrs. Hayes babysit all the little ones.”
“I know. I’m just kidding, Mom.”
Cheyenne grabbed Zoey while I got the playpen and a couple bags of supplies for the night. I did not like not having all my girls under one roof, but I was looking forward to a night alone with my wife. It had been way too long.
We went inside, and I almost whacked a kid in the head when she zoomed by me. “Crap.”
Lucy laughed and gave me a kiss on the cheek. “I better go make sure she doesn’t get hurt. See you tomorrow. Love you!” She ran away on the tails of the little girl. “Dixie Mae, where are you going?”
“Bye to you, too, Lucy!” Cheyenne hollered with an overdramatic pout. “I didn’t bring you into the world or anything!”
Lucy came running back and quickly hugged Cheyenne with one arm. “Bye, Mom. Love you.”
Cheyenne brought Zoey over to Mrs. Hayes, and I set up the playpen. The house was packed and loud, and by the time we got out of there, I was ready for a drink. “Think they’re regretting agreeing to do this?”
Cheyenne scoffed. “No way, they love it.” Mr. and Mrs. Hayes were Beck’s aunt and uncle, so we trusted them completely. “But tomorrow morning, they might.”
I closed her door, then got behind the driver’s seat and rolled down the driveway. “How about from here on out, we don’t talk about the kids?”
She agreed easily. “Deal. What do you want to talk about?”