Page 45 of Breaking Bristol
“Go. Now. He won’t touch you again. I promise.”
She glanced frantically between us, and when I gave her a nod, she hugged Bristol and then scurried away. The prick struggled beneath me, but I cut off his oxygen supply until he stopped even though the temptation to watch him turn blue was strong. “Don’t make this harder on yourself. Baby, you got your phone on you?” I left mine in the truck because I didn’t want any distractions when I was with her.
“Bring it here. Don’t get too close, though.”
I reached out and took her cell, then dialed Grayson’s number. When he answered, I put him on speaker. “What’s up?”
“I’m in the parking lot with my boot on some piece of shit’s throat who put his hands on a woman tonight.”
“What the fuck? Is she okay?”
“Yeah. She’s gone now. He’s still here, but I need to make sure he knows what’ll happen to him if he even thinks about touching her, or any woman”—I emphasized by twisting my leg until he grunted—“again.”
“You need me to bring my squad down or can you teach him that lesson without making me do paperwork?”
Realizing I was talking to a cop, the guy squirmed even more. “Can you run his plate?” I didn’t wait for a response and read off his license plate number.
“You good to hang just a minute?” Gray asked.
“I could do this all night.”
“You’re fuckin’ crazy, dude,” the guy mumbled below me.
Yeah, apparently, I was. I looked over my shoulder to find Bristol huddled against a Jeep. Christ, I was an idiot. She didn’t need to see this. “It’s okay, baby. Go get in the truck. I’ll be right there.”
“No.” She shook her head, and I noticed the whites of her eyes doubled in size. “I’ll… I’ll wait for you.”
“All right.” Gray came back on before I could assure her again that everything was okay. “Christopher L. Walton. Seventeen-forty-two Augustus Lane, unit 304… nice, my jurisdiction.”
“I won’t mess with her again, man. Fuck… Let me up.”
Grayson laughed. “Didn’t know I was on speaker.”
I would have laughed, too, but the look on Bristol’s face had me needing to wrap this shit up. “You hear that, motherfucker?” I tilted my head. “Anything happens to her or any other wom—”
“I ain’t gonna touch her again.” I raised a brow expectantly, and he scrambled to add, “Or any other woman. Shit.”
“I’m on your ass, Walton,” Gray reiterated. “Better make sure you know the speed limit and come to a complete stop whenever you see one of those red octagons. Wouldn’t want to give me a reason to pull you over now, would you?”
“All right, man,” he spat.
“Thanks, Gray. Later.”
“Anytime, bro.”
I shoved Bristol’s phone into my pocket and removed my foot.
Chris jumped to his feet and held his neck. “The fuck’s your problem, man?”
“You, you piece of shit.” I fisted his jacket again and yanked him close to me. “I catch you around here again, I even see you put your eyes on my woman, you won’t walk away. Hear me?” I shoved him against the truck so hard his head snapped back.
“Shit, fuck. Yeah, dude. Let me go.”
“Matthew,” Bristol whispered in a voice I’d never heard.
Chris’s eyes went that way, and I strengthened my grip, his jacket tightening as I pulled him up to his toes. “That’s looking at her.”