Page 54 of Breaking Bristol
Surely, she’d be offended, but instead, she smiled. “I like you. And whatever happened between y’all, I hope it gets fixed soon. Because I’ve never seen Beck so… distressed.” She sighed sadly. “He’s normally the logical one, the guy who thinks things through and doesn’t let stuff bother him. He wasn’t himself tonight.”
My chest hurt hearing he was so distraught. More than anything I wish that I could help him but I’d promised to give him his space, and I wouldn’t break my word to him. And clearly, he had no interest in seeing me right now anyway.
How about we exchange numbers and if you need my help getting him back to normal, you can just give me a call?” Susie offered.
That wasn’t going to happen. “Okay.”
“Anyway, you heard my how we met story. I think we deserve to know yours now,” Reece insisted, wisely changing the subject.
Leaving out certain details, I told them the story, and as I talked, my throat got tight and itchy, and the backs of my eyes burned. I missed him. And he was here and didn’t come to see me or call. That hurt. The level of pain I felt from that was worse than anything that had happened with Shane.
My mood had shifted, but I tried to push the heartbreak aside and have fun, which I did as best I could. Susie and Reece together were a blast, and I hoped we could hang out again sometime.
I’d stopped drinking over an hour ago, so I left first, and when I got in my car, I adjusted my rear view mirror and swear I saw that same white Cadillac drive by. My keys shook as I shoved it in the ignition and when I backed out, I went the opposite way of my house and the car.
The police station was just ahead, and even though I didn’t want to be a burden, I was tweaked. My heart hammering in my chest, I parked and walked in, so thankful Beau was here. “Bristol. Is everything okay?” he asked, coming toward me. “You look kind of freaked out.”
“I’m fine, and I’m sure I’m overreacting, but I thought I saw his car, and I just… It’s asking a lot, but could you follow me home?”
“Yeah, of course,” he said, giving my bicep a gentle squeeze. “You sure you’re okay to drive?”
“I’m sure, thank you.”
It was weird having a cop behind me, so I drove the speed limit and even found myself going under a couple of times. My fear had dwindled, and I felt like an idiot once we got to my place. Beau got out just as I bleeped the locks. “Didn’t spot a white Cadillac, but let me do a sweep of your place anyway.”
“You don’t need to do that.”
“I know, but I’m going to.” He wrapped his fingers around my forearm and moved us to the porch where he stood behind me as I unlocked the door. Then pulling me behind him, he went in first, his hand on his gun belt with a bright flashlight in the other. “Stay here,” he ordered quietly as he checked the bathroom and bedroom. “No sign of anyone,” he announced a few moments later when he returned to my side. “I’m going to do a perimeter check, but I don’t like leaving you alone. Can you call Beck and have him come stay with you?”
“Why was he at the station yesterday?”
Beau’s eyebrow shot up. “Who told you that?”
“I see.” His shoulders loosened the tiniest bit. “He wants to know what I know about you.”
My hand went to my collarbone to cover my beating heart. I should be upset that he potentially invaded my privacy, but I couldn’t be mad that he cared enough to go out of his way to try to help me. “Did you tell him?”
“No, I promised you I wouldn’t. And listen, I’m not a relationship expert or anything, but Beck’s a good guy. He’d take care of you and would rather die than let something happen to you. Why haven’t you told him yet?”
There was no denying Matthew was a good guy; he was the best. But I was glad Beau kept his word. “That’s why.”
“I don’t understand,” Beau said, his eyes flickering with confusion.
“He’d protect me no matter what it took, and I can’t ask him to do that, especially not after…”
“It was a figure of speech. You’ve been here for almost two years, Bristol.” Clearing his throat, he added gruffly, “I’ve kept my word. I didn’t tell a soul, but if you’re still this freaked because you thought you saw Shane’s car, maybe it’s time to be proactive.”
I sucked in a breath and shook my head. “I’m not ready.”
“At least let me talk to my brother. His security company is stellar, and they can have a system installed in a few hours.”
“I already told you no,” I said, more sharply than I’d intended. I knew Beau was just trying to help, but it wasn’t my house, and I didn’t want Lou and Heidi to worry or ask questions about why I was having an alarm installed. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, just like Matthew did when he was frustrated. “I’m not gonna sit around and just wait for something to happen to you.”
“That’s not your decision, and if you do something behind my back, I’ll pack up my shit and be gone, which would of course mean that Shane has a better chance of finding me.”
“Did it ever occur to you that if Beck knew, he wouldn’t go off half-cocked because he loves you and doesn’t want to do anything to jeopardize losing you?” Beau muttered.