Page 10 of Safe With You
Some of the panic which had grabbed at her moments ago released her.
"I'm up... I'm confused."
"I bet you are. You were unconscious when you came in. The detective told us a name, but we like to confirm just to make sure. Are you Molly Ferguson?" The nurse in her teal scrubs set her folder down on the table beside the bed and helped Molly untangle herself from the sheets on the bed.
"Yeah," Molly felt like she was moving in slow motion. "The detective?"
The nurse's brows raised a little. "Detective Rafferty came in with you on the ambulance."
"On the ambulance?"
"He came in with you because he was at the scene. That's all I know."
Molly swallowed and winced at the pain. "Could I... could I have some water?"
"Sure..." The nurse picked up the container from beside the sink and put some water in it. She pulled a straw from a cabinet and dropped it into the container. "Here. Take a few sips, but slowly. Your throat is bound to hurt a bit."
Once Molly took a couple of sips, convinced all too quickly that her throat was indeed hurt, she set the container aside and the nurse took a step back. "I'm going to let the on-call doctors know that you're awake, and I bet the detective will be back in no time."
"Where did he go?"
The nurse gave her a smile that looked more like a friendly smirk. "That's what you got out of what I said? Well, he was sitting in that chair since they put you in this room." She pointed at the chair in the corner of the room. "He kept nodding off and fighting it, so one of the other detectives took him to get some coffee in the cafeteria."
"Oh. So he stayed?"
The nurse was all smiles at that. "Yes. He stayed and if you ask me, not that you have, I think he likes you. A lot."
A soft knock at the door turned both of their heads in that direction. The doctor who walked in was tall and handsome, looking between them as he stood in the doorway.
"I was just going to come and get you, Doctor Ashley. Our patient is awake."
His slightly serious expression melted as he shook his head. "It would seem so. Thank you, Thuy."
She turned back to Molly and gave her a wink. "I'll leave you here with Doctor Ashley and I'll go see if I can find your detective."
Your detective.
As the nurse left the room, Molly felt a little off kilter.
She still had so many questions that needed answers.
"Let's take a quick look and see what's going on." He reached into the pocket of his coat and took out a penlight and waved it over his palm before lifting it toward her face.
She winced away from the light and dropped her gaze toward the floor. "Can you tell me why I was brought in?"
"I can tell you medically, but anything more and you'll have to ask the detective."
Detective. "Detective Rafferty?"
"Yes," she looked up to see the doctor smile. "Detective Rafferty came in with you. He'll have more answers about the situation, but someone finally dragged him off to get coffee before he dropped to the floor."
"Was he hurt?" She pressed her hand to her chest, panicking at the thought.
"No. He was concerned about you. We almost had to get security to keep him out of the exam room when you first came in. He finally agreed to stand just outside the doorway."
She dropped her gaze to her chest and saw the cotton hospital gown that she was wearing.
"No, he didn't see anything, but he wanted to be close in case something happened. Now, let's see how your eyes are doing."