Page 31 of Safe With You
She lifted her head and gave him a withering look. "Ma'am?"
"Yes, Molly."
She grinned, feeling some amount of female satisfaction at how she'd managed to make a coherent comment when he had nearly turned her into a panting mess.
Something changed in his expression and a heartbeat later she was flat on her back, one arm reaching for his shoulder, the other grasping for purchase on their new fitted sheet.
He plunged his fingers inside her. Filling her. Stretching the walls of her sex.
In and out, he stroked his fingers inside her and the sensations that rolled over her left her nearly speechless. She lifted her head and looked right into his eyes.
Nearly speechless.
"How about this, baby."
She had one last moment of conscious thought to wonder what he intended to do and then all she could do was feel. Her eyes started to drift shut.
His fingers plunged inside of her again and again, heating her skin from the inside out.
Digging her fingers into his shoulder, she was at least holding onto something when she heard him say her name.
"Molly. Look at me, gorgeous. Let me see you."
She forced her eyes open. It was the least she could do to thank him for the fire he sent racing through her veins.
"Keep your eyes on me, Mol. I want to see you when you come."
Was she that close? She hoped so, because she didn't think she could take the pounding of her heart much longer.
While she'd stirred herself to orgasm with her vibrator, she'd never reached that level of ecstasy with someone else.
"You amaze me, Molly."
She was stunned into silence.
Hearing his words humbled her.
The look in his eyes was everything she'd ever wanted to see. Deep, aching need.
It was exactly what she felt for him too, but before she could say a word, he took her breath away.
He drew her breast deep into his mouth, his tongue lashing at her nipple.
She felt her skin prickle with heat and awareness all over her body, but it was fixed in two places. As his fingers worked at her core, he worshiped her breasts.
That was the only word that she could come up with as he drove her higher and higher toward heaven.
With his mouth seducing the tender flesh of her breasts and his fingers plunging into her pussy, all it took was his thumb sliding through her curls and rubbing against her clit to send her over the edge.
She was floating and yet still grounded by his touch and the weight of his body. He spoke to her as her body shook and her mind soared a mile above in bliss.
Jacob held her against his body, stroking and soothing her as she came back to her senses. She was wrapped around him, her head on his chest as his fingers combed through her hair.
Molly could hear the strong rhythm of his heart beneath her ear, and as much as she wanted to return the favor to Jacob, he soothed her to sleep with his voice and his touch.