Page 33 of Safe With You
He laughed and she did too. "Same with my family. My grandma told me that once you know you've got Irish blood, it doesn't matter what else you have running in your veins."
They stopped in the kitchen area of the apartment, and he pulled out a chair for her at the table.
Molly put the heel of her hand to her chest over her heart and felt the way her heart was throbbing under it.
It felt all too easy to be in his space.
There didn't seem to be any awkwardness on his side after what they'd done together. She was still trying to come to terms with it. The limited experience she'd had before seemed like a lie of sorts.
It certainly hadn't prepared her for the magic of Jacob's touch and the way he'd so easily coaxed her into an orgasm.
Now, she knew that she had some things to learn about sex and she hoped that Jacob wanted to teach her.
"You have that look on your face, sweetness."
She liked the sound of that. "That look?" She smiled up at him and lifted her hands to touch her cheeks. They were warm and tingling. "I'm still thinking of you and me. What we did."
"And what we're going to do later when you're up to it?"
Molly nodded, just a little embarrassed at the idea. After all, she'd never really been all that interested in it. “I feel like I slept for days. Did I?”
He smiled at her. “Not days, but off and on for a little over a day. I called Roan and he said you were likely just exhausted. I… I didn’t tell him that we’d…”
“Yeah,” she blushed hot in her cheeks, “that was a good idea to keep that between us.”
“Yeah, uh…” He looked at the counter and turned back smiling. "Coffee?"
His utterly normal question made her laugh a little. "Yes, please."
"Do you want anything in it? I have creamer in the fridge and sugar, just let me know."
"Black is fine for now."
She honestly didn't want to make him do much more than the basics. She didn't really trust herself not to miss the cup entirely if she tried to pour it herself.
As she watched Jacob pull a second mug from the cabinet, she closed her eyes and drew in a breath, wondering if any of her missed time had come back.
Normally she could just call up her memories, searching for the sounds and words that went along with them as if she was searching for a station on the radio dial.
She heard the soft thunk of a mug on the table in front of her and she opened her eyes.
Jacob was looking at her with a measure of concern. "Are you in pain? Can I get you something?"
She shook her head but didn't speak for a moment. "No. No pain. But also, no memories. I've never had this happen to me."
Molly put an arm on the table, her other hand playing with the crisp edge of the boxers she was wearing. It was something she did when she was nervous and kept her fingers busy, so she didn't drum them on the wooden surface and making a lot of annoying sound.
"I bet it's disconcerting at the very least," he nodded. "I've taken a few good hits to the head over my years. I've heard ringing in my ears. I've had headaches where I've seen stars. I've even been knocked out a time or two, but I've never lost my memories. I don't know how to help you get them back, but I need you to know that I'm here for whatever you need."
She couldn't help but smile at his kind words. "That's... It feels good to hear it."
Jacob turned away and walked to the fridge. When he opened it, he leaned into it until his head and shoulders were hidden by the door.
He stood up a moment later and gave her a grimace as he swung the door closed. "I guess I'm not going to be making you anything. Along with me not being the best housekeeper, that also extended to getting supplies to stock my kitchen, but," he held up his index finger and then pointed it at the end of his counter, "I have takeout menus and a couple of delivery apps on my phone. What are you hungry for?"
She shrugged, again conscious about taking up too much space in his home or making too much of a demand for anything. "I'm good with anything."