Page 45 of Safe With You
Thinking of losing her...
Knowing that she wasn't safe at work...
He'd said stupid things.
Now he just had to apologize to her and hope she accepted his apology.
She didn't have to welcome him into her life, she just had to trust that he'd keep her safe until they figured out how to bring her attackers to justice.
Then she could go if she wanted to.
It would hurt. It would hurt deep. Right through his heart.
But this wasn't about him.
It was about her.
Nodding to himself, he picked up his phone and made a quick call.
She was fairly sure she'd overstepped.
Even though Miriam had welcomed her with a gentle squeeze of her hand before a welcoming hug, Molly felt like she'd completely invited herself up into their home.
"I'm sorry." She blurted out the words when there was a lull in the conversation.
Miriam canted her head to the side, turning her ear in Molly's direction. "For what, Molly?"
Molly looked at the other arm of the sectional where Doctor Webb was seated with Miriam at his side. Doctor Webb had been a bit... daunting when she'd met him and again when he'd come to Jacob's apartment, she'd been a bit in awe of him, but here, in his apartment... his rooftop palace, he was just a man.
A man completely in love.
He looked at Miriam as if the sun shone from her face.
When he touched her arm, it was a gentle nudge before he put any real pressure on her arm. It was likely because she was blind, but his caution was a gesture of love.
Miriam soaked it in.
It was incredible to see their bond even when they were barely touching.
"I basically ran away from Jacob's apartment. I invited myself over here and my mother would've had a few choice words if she ever heard that I'd done that."
Miriam laughed and it was a beautiful throaty sound that made Molly smile from ear to ear.
"Here," she held out her hand, "come and take my hand."
Molly looked at Doctor Webb.
He just gave her a knowing look with one raised brow.
Molly moved to the center block of the sectional and put her hand in Miriam's.
The other woman smiled and squeezed her hand, lowering both down to her knee.
"I think your mother and mine would have been fast friends or mortal enemies. They sound very similar."
Molly smiled in reply.