Page 6 of Safe With You
Smiling to herself, she gathered the items she had on her desk and set them down into the records box and closed it, securing the tab lock so it wouldn't open up when she dropped it into the collection depository.
It was a procedure that she wasn't comfortable with, but she had no way to fix the situation. Putting the audio tapes and transcriptions, along with the video file media all in one box seemed like a disaster waiting to happen.
But it was a disaster that was only a possibility. When she'd mentioned it to her supervisor she was told to relax.
"We've never had an issue with this system," Kristin scoffed at her. "Don't borrow trouble."
Molly shook herself from the memory to focus on what was sure to be the last few exchanges in her call with Jacob.
"Well, I'm not trying to make things hard on you, Mol. That's the last thing I'd want to do."
Mol. She felt her cheeks flush with warmth. Every so often, he'd call her Mol instead of Molly. It felt good to her. Special.
It felt like a term of endearment.
The only nicknames she'd ever had growing up were more criticisms or ways that others tried to hurt her.
She knew that wasn't the case with him.
Maybe he did feel something for her beyond what they were on paper. Co-workers.
She told him that she'd finished the transcriptions that he'd sent her, even the ones that he said she could wait on.
"You are amazing, Molly."
She'd replay that later when she was in bed. Sure, he was talking about work, but she had a good imagination at times.
Molly could barely concentrate on what else she was saying to him. She was exhausted and she knew that she should get up and get going.
She still had to drop the records box she had into the collection bin for the record keepers to file away in the morning.
As she ended their phone conversation, she couldn't help but smile. "Let me know if you need anything else."
Closing her eyes for a moment, she willed him to say something like.
Go out with me.
Let me take you to dinner.
Let me take you to bed.
If only dreams were reality, right?
The phone was on speaker, but as she reached out to tap the END button, she heard voices outside of her door.
No one stayed this late at the records building. Not even the janitorial staff. They'd gone home hours ago.
Forgetting the phone call she was on, Molly got up on her feet and opened her office door.
Two men were dismantling the front panel of the collection bin. She saw one man holding a crowbar, while the other was using his to pry open the front panel.
"Hey! Stop that! What are you doing?"
Both heads turned in her direction and that's when she realized that she’d spoken before thinking... again.
Only this time wasn't going to be another social faux pas.