Page 62 of Safe With You
A soft knock reached her ears and she managed a half-hearted smile to Barbara.
"Come on in."
Barbara set down a can of soda and a wrapped straw from the snack bar on the ground floor. "I passed by your office a little while ago and saw that look on your face. I know a tension headache when I see one. I thought a little caffeine might help."
Just her words gave Molly a boost and she reached for the soda can, popping the top and holding it under her nose to breathe in the scent.
She almost laughed when she felt the fizzing bubbles tickle her nose.
Molly smiled up at Barbara. "You're the best."
Barbara leaned on the edge of the desk and grinned. "Naw, but I was just trying to help. When news went around the office, I was so frightened. I stopped by your place but you didn't answer, so I bit the bullet and asked 'the boss' about it.
"She said that you were holed up with a police officer or something."
Molly blushed and reached for the straw and started peeling the wrapper.
"Oh, so there is a story here."
Molly's hands shook with her laughter and she nearly missed the trash can beside her desk. "There's something..."
"I knew it!" Barbara clapped her hands and then they both froze, listening to the room and beyond. When no one seemed to notice, they both smiled at each other. "Look, I know you're swamped with stuff that needs your attention, but someday soon we'll go out and get some drinks and talk, okay?"
"Someday soon," Molly assured her.
"Good." Barbara grinned. "I hope it's that guy you talk to on the phone."
Barbara had her hand on the doorknob when Molly spoke again.
"Why do you think it's Jacob?"
Barbara let go of the doorknob and turned around with a big grin, showing a lot of pearly teeth. "First, whenever you got off the phone with the detective, you'd always have that... that floaty look about you."
"You know," Barbara nodded at her, "like your feet don't touch the ground when you walk." Barbara winked at her. "And second, you just called him Jacob and not Detective Rafferty. So we definitely do need to talk and soon. Okay?"
"Okay." Molly felt some of the tension fall away from her shoulders.
If Barbara was still talking to her, maybe it wasn't so bad in the office.
Meaning, that the opinions of her co-workers weren't all set against her because of this.
"Bye now." Barbara turned the knob and started walking through the door. "I wish I had someone who made me float like your 'Jacob.'"
And then she was gone, and Molly found a little bit of a smile touch her lips.
Jacob hated feeling... useless.
Stuck in a commandeered supply closet on the floor above Molly, he felt like he might be bouncing off the walls soon.
No, he didn't hope that someone would take a shot at Molly. He would much rather be back at his place, holding her close.
Stripping her naked.
Listening to her pant and moan in his ear as he...