Page 64 of Safe With You
* * *
Waiting wasn't a bad thing. That's what she had to tell herself as she waited at a cafe across the street from the records building.
She could see everyone exiting from the building.
Those 'additional' safety measures that she'd started implementing that day made sure of it.
Everyone had to exit the building through the front door. It left them in full view of the security cameras and the cafe that she was sitting in.
Tapping the screen of the new POS cellphone she bought at the corner market across town, she watched as all of the ladies left.
All, except one.
She'd left Little Molly Sunshine a stack of work. And even as fast as she was, it guaranteed that she'd be the last one in the office. It was part of the plan that she'd come up with Declan.
One last hurrah for the over worker in her office.
Quite literally one last hurrah.
Molly might not remember what happened that night, but she'd seen Declan's men, and he didn't want to leave any chance that her memory might come back and bite them all in the ass.
She touched her cheek and winced at the memory.
Declan had been furious with her.
Sure, Molly stayed late, but she'd never, ever stayed that late. Nosy Nellie wasn't supposed to be in the office that night, but she'd stayed to work on Detective Rafferty's files.
Of course she did.
Her acrylic nails made a soft sound against the plastic flip top of the cellphone she'd bought just for this one night.
Barbara and Connie were leaving. The last... almost the last two out of the office.
Lifting the top of the phone, she sent one simple text message to the sniveling maintenance worker that Declan had paid off.
* * *
Sitting at her desk with her headphones in, Molly was in what her old tutor called 'the zone.' Focused on her work, even without the headphones on that were piping her last transcription of her workday.
Her fingers flew over the keyboard, thankful again to her tutor for drilling her in the touch-typing method.
Some people could get away with other methods of typing, but Molly knew she could really fly because she'd been drilled so much in using her home keys to settle herself and going hell-bent for leather on that.
A quick look at the electronic file readout told her that she had six more minutes of audio. That was only going to be six minutes of typing.
She was so thrilled that after the soda from Barbara she'd been able to dig into her work, as if she'd never been away.
It was so good to be back to herself because-