Page 18 of Cold Fury
“That sounds really good, Connor,” she murmurs, moving just a little closer to me. In a flash, I remember how I always used to feel like a goddamn king when she was riding on my bike behind me, back in the day.
Still feels just as good now. Hell, maybe even better.
I take Kat on a scenic drive, along the winding Minnehaha Parkway and around Lake Nokomis. The breeze is just cool enough to make her snuggle into my back. I start to feel a deep sense of peace that I don’t remember feeling in a long damn time.
I remember how easy it used to be between Kat and me. Back then, I pretty much just assumed we’d eventually do the marriage and kids thing. The whole works. I fucked that shit up, big-time. Maybe the biggest mistake of my life, looking back.
And all at once, it comes to me in a flash, like a lightning bolt right to the head. I’m gonna do my damnedest to right that wrong. Kat’s back in my life for a reason. And the reason is, I’m gonna get her back.
When we get to Minnehaha Park, I park the bike and we take a walk over to the waterfall itself. This is a popular place, and for good reason. It’s right in the middle of the city, and the main attraction there is a fifty-foot waterfall coming out over limestone bluffs. We’ve had a lot of rain this year, so the water’s high and fast today. The spray from the crashing water mists our faces as we stand at the railing, watching it.
Kat laughs with delight and closes her eyes, leaning her face into the mist. I resist the urge to kiss her, because this is a family place and I’m pretty damn sure that if I do, I’m not gonna stop at just kissing. We stand there for a few minutes, just looking at the waterfall, not saying anything.
Eventually, I take her hand and lead her to the fish place. We order a couple of fried fish baskets with coleslaw and a side of fries, then sit down at an outdoor table to eat. A few of the families with little kids give us the side-eye when they see my cut and colors. But I’m used to that shit, so I ignore it.
“How you feeling now?” I ask Kat as she munches on a fry. “Better?”
She sighs. “Yes. I haven’t been to the falls in forever. And this food is delicious. This is just what I needed. Thank you for bringing me here, Connor.”
It’s funny, no one really calls me Connor anymore. Gigi calls me Con, but it’s not the same. Listening to my given name on Kat’s lips is strange. Not unpleasant, though. It makes me feel like a younger man. Someone less jaded. Someone who can still make up for lost time.
I haven’t been with a woman seriously since Kat. Oh, hell yes, I’ve been with women. A lot of them. I’ve fucked around more than my fair share. But there’s been no one who’s held my interest for longer than it took me to get my rocks off. Not since her. No woman has really ever known me. Because I had no desire to let them in.
No one but Kat.
We stay for a while after we’re finished eating, shooting the shit. The tension from our last meeting is almost entirely gone now. Kat doesn’t bring up that she’s still pissed I’m basically acting like her bodyguard. It feels like a good sign.
When the sun start to go down, and a chill appears in the air. Kat shivers and says we should probably head back. I take her hand again and lead her to my bike. When she climbs on behind me, she leans into my back and whispers against my ear: “I’ve missed this.”
Neither of us says anything else on the ride back. At her apartment, she doesn’t tell me I can’t come in, so I follow her inside. We pass by a couple people who Kat seems to recognize, but no one who looks like Hooch or one of his asshole friends.
“Thanks again, Connor,” she says when she’s unlocked her door. “This was really great. I haven’t had so much fun in a long time.”
“There’s no reason the night has to end, babe.” I take a step forward, slipping an arm around her. “You could invite me in, and we could continue it inside.”
“What are you implying, Mister Mattson?” Her face is hesitant, but her eyes are bright as she gazes up at me.
“I think you know, Miss Bergland.” My voice is thick with need as I feel her body against me. My cock is instantly at full attention. The hesitation leaves Kat’s eyes. Her lips part, signaling to me that she knows what’s about to happen, that she wants it. I bend down and our lips meet in a kiss that sends sparks moving through me straight to my dick.
“Kat,” I groan against her mouth. “Jesus, you taste good. You’ve always tasted so damn good.”
“Connor,” she moans. “What are we doing?”
I let out a low chuckle. “You can’t tell me it’s been so long that you’ve forgotten what this is.” I pull back, locking eyes with her. “You know what I want. I’m not about to make a secret of it. The question is, what do you want?”
She swallows hard. Her eyes are so dilated they look black. “This is crazy. But I want the same thing.”
It’s all I need to hear. Reaching around her, I twist the knob and open the door, guide her through, pushing it closed behind me.
Connor’s eyes are the color of storm clouds.
I remember how I used to be able to read them so well, back when we were teenagers in love. I knew every expression in them, every nuance. I could tell when he was happy, or sad, or proud, or troubled, without him having to say anything at all.
But now, there’s something new there in his face when he looks at me. Desire, yes. Lust, too. But underneath, something more. I can’t read it. It both scares and excites me.