Page 30 of Cold Fury
Connor sits back and jumps to his feet in one fluid motion. He looks at me and then glances a few feet behind me, jerking his head. I understand his meaning and back away even more. Hooch scrambles to his feet, looking furious. He reaches for his waistband. His shirt pulls up just enough for me to see the gun he’s reaching for.
A scream rises in my throat, but terror freezes it there.
Connor is faster. His pistol is out and aiming for Hooch before Hooch registers what’s happening.
“I asked if you were done,” Connor bites out.
“Hey,” a loud voice calls from the building next door just then. Through an open window, a couple of mid-twenties bros in khaki shorts and graphic T-shirts are staring at us. One is waving a cell phone. “Get out of here right now, or we’re calling the cops!”
“Looks like we got witnesses now,” Connor says to Hooch. “I seem to remember you’ve got quite a record, Hooch. You think your prez is gonna be happy if you get thrown in the slammer because you got butthurt that Quad’s sister didn’t want you to be her boyfriend?”
For a second, Hooch’s entire body goes rigid, and I think he’s just crazy enough to pull out his gun. But then his eyes flick toward the guys next door, and apparently he thinks better of it. He lets out a bitter bark of laughter and narrows his eyes at Connor.
“This ain’t over,” he hisses. “You’re gonna fucking pay.
Then, to my amazement, he turns around and leaves.
I’m so relieved my knees almost buckle under me.
Connor waves at the two bros next door, and until Hooch has climbed onto his motorcycle and disappeared. ’“That fuckin’ pussy,” Connor mutters. “Come on, babe, let’s get you inside.”
He holds my hand firmly in his as we make our way to my apartment. When we get to my door, he takes my purse from me and reaches inside for my keys. I realize he knows my hands are trembling so much I probably can’t unlock the door myself.
Inside, I sink down on the couch, in a daze and suddenly freezing cold. Connor drops down beside me, wrapping his warm, strong arms around me.
“I was so scared,” I manage to say, before promptly bursting into tears.
“I know, babe. I know.” Connor holds me, rocking me back and forth gently as I let go. I feel so ridiculous, but I can’t help it. Eventually, I quiet down and the tears stop coming. “You didn’t seem scared,” I choke out. “Was that an act? If so, you deserve an Oscar.”
“I was a little worried you’d get hurt if you didn’t stay back far enough. But other than that, nah.”
“Why not?”
“He was waitin’ for you, not me. He figured he could either sweet-talk you or muscle his way into your place,” he explains. “He didn’t expect to have to contend with me. He wasn’t ready for it. Guys like that are like peacocks. They fluff up their tail feathers hoping to make a big show of themselves, but that’s all they got. Hooch ain’t much without his club behind him. You get to the point you can read guys like that.”
“But he had a gun!”
“Yeah. And I won’t lie, it’s possible he woulda gotten crazy enough he might have used it. But he didn’t get the chance.”
I let out a deep, shaky sigh. “What now?”
“Well, for one thing, you’re not staying here,” Connor says firmly. “Not for a while. Hooch left, but he’ll be back. He’s just gonna wait for me to leave so he can break in and get to you.”
I blink at him. “But where would I stay?”
“You’re coming to my place for a while. Pack a bag.” He puts a booted foot on the coffee table. “I’ll wait.”
I’m too shaken by the encounter with Hooch to argue. And the fact is, I definitely don’t want to be here by myself right now. Even if Connor’s not right and Hooch doesn’t come back, I’d be jumpy as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs if I stayed the night here. I’d think every sound I heard was him returning for me.
I go into my bedroom and grab an overnight bag, stuffing it with a spare uniform, a few changes of clothes, some underwear, and a toothbrush. Back out in my living room, Connor stands as soon as he sees I’m ready.
“We’ll take my bike and leave your car here,” he says.
“But how will I get to work?” I protest.
“I’ll drive you around, or we’ll get you another set of wheels to drive,” he says, shrugging. “Don’t worry about that now. If Hooch sees your car around town, he’ll instantly know where you are. And trust me when I say he’ll be looking for it. Best to let him think you’re here until he figures out your car hasn’t moved for a while. Come on, let’s get out of here.”
Connor’s grim face brooks no argument, and I’m still so shaken I’m inclined to just believe what he says. We leave the apartment and lock the door behind me, wondering when I’ll set foot in it again.