Page 42 of Cold Fury
“Stay here,” he orders. “Get some rest. I’ll be back in a while. Don’t come out until I’m back.”
The door closes behind him. I’m alone.
And even though this supposed to be for my own protection, I feel more like a prisoner. Something’s going on that they’re not telling me. And I have no idea how to find out what it is.
Iwant to kill them all.
Torch their fucking clubhouse. Torch their houses. Erase the Eagle’s Talon from the face of the earth.
Burn it all to the fucking ground.
“Patience, brother,” Mack admonishes me, placing a hand on my shoulder. “This is Kat’s brother you’re talking about.”
I shrug off his grasp angrily. “I don’t give a flying fuck! He’s a dead man. They all are.”
The thought of bringing Quad, Hooch, and every last one of them to a painful, torturous end puts a rictus grimace on my face.
“Fury.” Magnus’s deep voice cuts in, silencing all of us. “You need to calm the fuck down until we address it in church. We’ve got recon reports coming in from the men. We’ll decide what to do once we hear them.”
“I’m not fucking waiting!” I explode to my feet and glare at my prez, hammering my fist on the desk so hard that it shakes. “This shit has gone way too far! Every second those motherfuckers are still breathing on this planet is too goddamn long!”
“STAND. THE FUCK. DOWN,”Magnus roars.
The sudden silence in the room is deafening. No one dares to speak.
“I know you care about this woman,” Magnus continues. “But this is also club business. You best believe youwilldo as I say, Fury. And I say that you will wait until we decide what to do as a club.” He pauses a beat. “Or do we have afuckingproblem?”
We lock eyes. The challenge in his is unmistakable.
I’ve never been one to disrespect Magnus. He’s a good president. The best.
But right now, there’s only one thing on my mind, other than the fact that Kat is in an apartment right now with a slashed-up face.
And that’s that I once let a prez tell me what to do regarding her, and it was the wrong fucking decision. It’s part of the reason we’re here right now, goddamnit.
If I hadn’t been such a fucking coward back then — if I hadn’t been too much of a fucking pussy to stand up to Yates — I would never have lost Kat in the first place. She would have been my woman this whole time. Quad would have had to come to terms of it. She probably never would have met Hooch.
She wouldn’t have stitches on her cheek and a permanent scar on her beautiful face.
This shit is my fault. A direct result of not doing what I knew was right, damn the consequences.
“Kat ismywoman,” I bark. “Iwillprotect her. I’ll give you until church. But I warn you, Magnus, if the club doesn’t act, I will.”
“You,” Magnus bites out, “do not threaten me, or this club.”
“I’m not threatening. I’m stating a fact.”
I turn on my heel. Next to me, Mack mutters, “Jesus, man,”
Fuck him. Fuck them all.
I once let a prez tell me what to do where Kat was concerned. It was the worst decision of my goddamn life.
I won’t do that again.