Page 49 of Cold Fury
“Yeah, you’re my sister!” he spits viciously. “You got a lot of fucking nerve talking to me like that! Where the hell is your loyalty? You open your legs to the first fucking asshole who wants a taste of your pussy, so don’t act all high and mighty like you’re too good for Hooch!”
“Fuck you, Quad! I’m no slut! And I can be with whoever I want. I can sleep with whoever I want! That’s none of your damn business!”
“Oh, sure, you can fuck anyone you goddamn want, but look at who the fuck you choose! A goddamn Royal Bastard! And who fuckin’ pays for it?” He jabs a thumb into his chest. “Me, that’s who!”
“What? What in the hell are you talking about? How do you pay for who I choose to spend time with? What in the hell does it have to do with you, anyway?”
“How did Ipay? How did I pay?!” Quad jumps off the table onto the ground, his voice amping up to a screech. He looks at me wild-eyed, more furious than I’ve ever seen him. He advances on me, and I back up in fear, until I’m pushed up against the wall. Quad gets up into my face, standing so close that flecks of spittle spray my face as he screams at me.
“The fucking Royal Bastards burned up an entire fucking shipment of product we owe to the Sinaloa Cartel!” he yells, gesturing wildly. “Worth more money than you can possibly fucking imagine! And what do you think is gonna happen now? You think the cartel is just gonna say,oh, no worries, we understand that you don’t have what you owe us. You can just pay us back when you’ve got the chance?”He lets out an unhinged howl of deranged laughter. “Jesus! Kat, thanks to you and your fucking asshole boyfriend, we’re in deep shit! These fuckers do not fuck around! If we don’t pay, we’redead meat.I’mdead meat. Because I’m the reason your boyfriend’s club did this! Because ofyou!”
My mind reels as I struggle to make sense of his words. “How do you know this has something to do with Connor?”
“Fuck you, Kat! It couldn’t be anyone else! Plus we got cameras that show us who was around the area just before the fire. When I say the cartel will literally kill me, I mean it!” Furiously, he scrubs a trembling hand through his hair.
It dawns on me that he’s telling the truth. That he’s actually terrified for his life.
“But… there has to be a way to pay them back, doesn’t there?” I stammer. “It doesn’t make sense that they would kill someone who owes them money before you’ve had a chance to pay them. There has to be another way!”
Quad lets out another crazy-sounding bark of laughter that makes my blood run cold. “Haha, yeah. There is a way, little sister. There sure as fuck is. Glad you asked, because you’re gonna find out exactly what that answer is.” He juts his chin toward me. “Our club is gonna deal with the Royal Bastards. Andyouare gonna pay back what we owe the cartel.”
“Me?” I gape at him. “Quad, I don’t have that kind of money. I don’t even have a savings account. Every extra dollar I have goes toward paying off my student loans!”
He eyes me grimly. “That ain’t how you’re going to pay for it.”
“Then what—”
There’s a muffled sound behind me, followed by footsteps. I turn in time to see two hard-looking men emerge from the darkness. I turn to Quad for an explanation, but he won’t look at me.
Before I can react, the men grab me by the arms and begin dragging me away. “Quad!” I scream. “What’s going on?”
His voice turns hard. “One of the cartel guys agreed to take you as partial payment for the lost shipment.”
“Quad! Quad, stop!” I start to kick and struggle, but the men are far stronger than I am. I scream my brother’s name again, but the taller one punches me on the side of the head. My ears start to ring.
“Shut the fuck up, bitch,” he snarls. He yanks on my hair and pulls my face so close to his I can smell his sour breath. “You’re Sinaloa property now.”
Outside the building, I struggle to get free, but I’m no match for the strength of the two men. They don’t even bother to stop me from screaming; we’re too far away from anything for anyone to hear me, anyway. Roughly, they drag me to a large SUV with black-tinted windows. Zip-tying my wrists and ankles, they throw me in the backseat and throw the safety locks on the doors. The two of them climb into the front and pull away. Terrified, I look back through the rear window, but Quad isn’t there. The only familiar thing I see is my car parked in front of the building, receding into the distance.
I turn back, tears in my eyes, to see the tall man in the passenger seat, pointing a gun at me.
“You ain’t gonna yell in here, you got me? That shit gives me a headache.”
“Where are you taking me?” I ask, my voice shaking with fear.
“To your new owner. Hector Loera.” He shakes his head, his lips curling into a cruel grin. “You ain’t gonna like him. He’s not a nice man.”
Without warning, I begin to sob uncontrollably. The man with the gun snaps at me to shut the hell up, but I can’t stop. The gun pointed at me doesn’t help. He shouts at me a couple more times, but eventually seems to realize that’s not helping me to stop crying. Eventually, he just sighs and turns back toward the front.
I spend the remainder of the trip weeping in the backseat, trying to get hold of myself. After probably half an hour, we arrive at a large mansion-style house on the edge of a town I don’t recognize. The driver punches a button on an intercom outside the gate and says a few words into it. A few seconds later, the gate swings open, and we pull inside and up to a large portico-style front door. The taller man gets out of the car, opens the rear passenger-side door, and cuts the zip tie around my ankles so I can walk.
I’m pulled inside the mansion and led upstairs to an elegant but sparsely-furnished bedroom. The man slices the zip-ties binding my wrists and pushes me inside it with such force that I stumble to the ground.
“Get ready to meet your new owner,” he sneers as he closes the heavy, solid-wood door.
A bolt slides into place, locking me in from the outside.