Page 59 of Cold Fury
It’s not often you get a second chance with the person you were supposed to be with all along.
And this time, I ain’t about to let her go. Ever again.
“Oh my god…” I stare at the ultrasound screen in disbelief, gripping Connor’s hand. “That’s our baby. It’s really our baby.”
“It is indeed,” the technician says cheerfully. She moves the wand around to get a better view. “And it looks like everything is going great. Hear that?”
A rapid, whooshing thump comes over the little speakers. “Is that the heartbeat?” Connor asks in wonder. His fingers close over mine as I struggle not to cry, I’m so overwhelmed. Somehow, as a nurse, I thought I wouldn’t be this amazed, but I was wrong. That little baby is Connor plus me. We made that.Our love did that.
“It is. Sounds strong and regular.” The nurse turns from the screen to look at us. “Do you want to know the sex?”
At home, Connor and I had discussed it and decided we didn’t want to know. But now, he turns to me, and I can see that we’re thinking the same thing. He cocks an eyebrow, and I nod.
“Yes, please,” I beg.
“Your little one is being very cooperative, so we’re getting a nice clear picture. And here, you can see…” She moves the wand some more, and the angle of the image changes. She reaches up to the screen and points. “See there? Looks like you’re going to have a little girl.”
The rest of the appointment passes in a blur, as the technician works to get all the images they need to make sure all of baby’s organs are looking good. The OBGYN comes in to talk to us next, explaining all the images in depth and telling us everything is going perfectly.
By the end, when the doctor hands us a couple of images of our baby to take home with us, she asks us if there are any questions.
“Only one: where’s the bathroom?” I squeak. “I really have to pee!”
Minutes later, I go out into the reception area where Connor is waiting for me. He’s holding the ultrasound pictures, and seems completely unaware that pretty much everyone in the room is staring at him in awe. I guess he doesn’t exactly look like the typical father-to-be.
“Ready to go, babe?” he rumbles as he reaches to take my hand.
“I am. But I’m also starving. Could we stop for a quick bite on the way home?”
“Your wish is my command.”
Connor leads me out to the truck and gets me situated in the passenger seat. “You know,” I remark as I sink back against the headrest, “I could get really used to this ‘your wish is my command’ stuff. Maybe I need to keep getting pregnant so you keep waiting on me hand and foot.”
“Sounds like a pretty drastic solution, babe.” He chuckles as he starts the truck and puts it into gear. “But hell, if you want to keep gettin’ pregnant, I’m all for it. Not only are you beautiful as hell when you’re carrying my baby, but I’m a pretty big fan of what we gotta do to get you pregnant in the first place.”
Connor takes me to my favorite fast-food drive-through, patiently ordering for me even though I keep second-guessing all my decisions. I wolf down half of my chicken sandwich and fries, and then suddenly I’m full and have to stop — not to mention incredibly sleepy all of a sudden.
Connor must see my eyes drooping, because he starts the truck again without a word and drives me home, actually carrying me from the vehicle to the door and then to the bedroom.
“Remember the first time you carried me in here?” I ask.
“Sure as hell do. Could never forget it. I was still sweating bullets after how close I came to losing you to…” he trails off, not wanting to bring back the memories that he knows are always right there.
But I brought the past up for a reason. “It’s okay, Connor. That was a hard time in our lives, but it’s in the past. Everything we’ve been through, good or bad, is what brought us here. And I’m a pretty big fan of here.” I smile up at his handsome, sexy face, before a huge yawn suddenly threatens to split my face in two. “Oh my god, I’m so tired!” I say, covering my mouth. “I swear before I got pregnant, I never even knew what tiredness was.”
“You lie down here,” he says, depositing me on the bed. “And get some rest.”
“But there’s so much more to do before tomorrow!” I protest.
Connor shushes me. “Everything that needs to be done before tomorrow can be taken care of by other people. Your job is to sleep enough that you won’t be too tired to enjoy the day.”
“Connor, I can’t just expect everyone else…”
But he’s whipped his phone out and is punching a number on the screen. A second later someone answers, and he says, “Gigi, will you tell my wife that she needs to take a damn nap and that you’ve got everything under control?”