Page 35 of Hug Bug
Bryce removes my traffic cone PJ bottoms, then slides a diaper under my ass that boasts cartoon googly-eyed trucks. My mouth lolls as I run my fingers over the trucks, mystified by their silliness.
Bryce powders me, secures my diaper, slides my jammies back on, then brings me back to my chair.
He plops down in it, and I bust out laughing because I’m certain it’ll break. Bryce is too big and strong to fit in a tiny chair like mine.
To my surprise, the chair remains standing. What a miracle of engineering.
I wet on Bryce’s lap, scrunching my eyes shut. He holds me in his arms, which are so big that they wrap around all of me. This man doesn’t judge me, doesn’t hold my unique desires against me, no—he lets me be myself.
"I’m going, Daddy."
Bryce drops a tender kiss on my forehead. "Proud of you for opening up. For being strong. You’re my brave boy, aren’t you?"
I nod as I suck my thumb. "Yeah."
I finish going, then fall asleep on Bryce’s lap. A little while later, I wake up and I realize I have to wet again, so I do.
Bryce doesn’t move. He doesn’t get up, doesn’t disturb my relaxation.
I’m as deep in Little headspace as I’ve ever been. My universe doesn’t extend beyond the Daddy hug that Bryce gives me.
Bryce massages between my legs. "Time for a change."
"Not right now." My cheeks flush pink, but I find a button on Bryce’s shirt that I want to suck instead of my thumb, which mollifies my embarrassment. "Wanna stay like this."
I fall asleep again lost in Bryce’s hug.
BJ bounces toward the job site, his hands flying through the air. "Daddy, hurry!"
I issue my beautiful boy a smile. "Daddy’s coming. One second, cutie."
BJ squeals, unable (or unwilling) to control his excitement.
He looks so damn cute today. I dressed him of course, so I’m already aware of this. Still, his getup seems to grow even cuter now that he’s where he’s meant to be.
This is my site in Upstate New York for my affordable housing development that’ll benefit under-housed LGBTQ+ community members. I reviewed the files last night, and I was so distraught at the sufferings these people go through on a daily basis. Unlike regular under-housed individuals, queer, gay, lesbian, and bisexuals are often turned down because of who they are.
If some hardass property manager interviews you, they’re not legally allowed to discriminate against you, but do they always follow the law in practice?
In my experience, they don’t.
My fingers curl into fists when I think about my grandmother’s experience. She became an out-and-proud lesbian who marched in Stonewall after my grandfather passed away decades ago. Still, she wasn’t able to secure decent housing by herself, because she was a lesbian. Landlords took one look at her and told her to find a man to co-sign her lease.
This was back around the time when women were just "allowed" to open credit cards. Can you imagine that—a woman couldn’t even get a damn credit card without her husband’s permission before that.
Being a man, even a gay one, I’ll admit that I didn’t actually realize this. Sometimes, when we grow up in an era where all members of a given community seem to have equal rights, we forget how things used to be. My grandmother’s generation wasn’t so fortunate, and she was forced to live in a crack house with bedbugs for no other reason than because she was a lesbian.
That’s when I vowed to be the change I wanted to see in the world. I’d help those in need and ensure that no one like my grandmother had to suffer again.
BJ whips around. "The diggers are waiting for me!"
I take another look at BJ, then grin. He dons the cutest pair of coveralls I’ve ever seen with buttons that say I Can Build Anything! The real hardhat I purchased him sits on his head, except it’s a little loose so it leans to the left. Bob is wearing his own yellow hardhat, and his fluffy body is waiting eagerly for the teddy-sized reflective vest I purchased him.
BJ is also wearing light-up steeltoed boots that I found on a special Little website. Apparently construction Littles are well known in the community even though I wasn’t aware of this. They stocked BJ’s size which was a miracle and the rest was history. All I needed was to enter my credit card information and the boots showed up on my doorstep the following day.