Page 39 of Hug Bug
He rubs his belly, beaming. "Yummy."
Then, I move the doughy part of the doughnut into his mouth. He chomps it at once, then rubs his belly. "Exactly as I suspected. Best doughnut ever."
The working guys tackle each other to grab the rest of the doughnuts. "You’d better not take mine," one grumbles.
"I want two," another roars.
BJ turns to me with a fretful look. "They’re eating all the treats."
"Look." Walking to the back of the trailer, I open a secret fridge and pull out my special box. It contains one-hundred doughnuts because I know that my working guys love to eat. They’re not the only ones who like eating.
With a growl, I lift two doughnuts to my mouth and take a bite of each. "This box has cranes and dump trucks."
BJ lets me hand him a crane, and he loves the contraption on the side that "lifts" a yellow candy to his tongue. Then, he chomps that doughnut, too.
I eat both doughnuts that I’m holding, taking bites of each, first the left, then the right.
The working guys chow down, eating doughnuts, drinking coffee, talking about their work, trucks, their favorite Mountain Dew flavor, and dirt.
BJ shoots me a curious look. "May I join their conversation?"
My sweet boy. "Why, of course you can."
BJ skips to the circle, then throws his two arms around the waists of two of the working guys. "All right, everyone. I’m ready to hear what’s on the docket today."
My heart swells as my employees include BJ in their conversation. He listens intently, internalizing everything they say.
I help myself to one more doughnut. Fine, two more.
Just one more after that.
I’ll stop tomorrow.
Goddamnit, why are these so good?
Last bite.
I’d better take some Tums so I don’t get a bellyache.
After the morning meeting wraps up, I lead BJ out of the trailer. "Okay, boy. Tell me what you learned."
"I learned that there’s a monster truck rally near Niagara Falls next weekend and I really want to go."
"A monster truck rally?" I rub my chin. "I’m not sure that’s a healthy environment for a delicate boy like you."
BJ sticks his chin up in the air. "On the job site, I’m a man. Not a boy."
I lift BJ by the coveralls to help him down the stairs. "Of course you are."
When he reaches the ground, he dusts his thighs off and peers around the mounds of dirt. "I was thinking we could grill a few brats, drink some Mountain Dew, and head to the monster truck rally next weekend."
It’s impossible not to waggle my eyebrows. "Only if you agree to go to RenFest with me this fall."
BJ turns to me, crooking his left brow. "Will I see dueling?"