Page 54 of Hug Bug
"The Mormons are excellent at this. The fathers take their daughters out and show them how their future husbands should treat them. You can do the same for BJ. Take him to an ice cream parlor. Bring him to the park. Buy him candy and show him what a man will do for him someday."
BJ bounces into the room. "Hey, Daddy!"
His father heaves himself out of my arms and buries BJ in a hug. "I’m so sorry I haven’t been more present in your life. I’m going to take you to the park and buy you ice cream. And lots of candy. You’re my boy, BJ. I love you."
BJ stares in shock at his Dad. He tries to find the right words to say, but all he winds up doing is bursting into tears. "You’ll spend more time with me instead of reading so much?"
"Yes." BJ’s father nods. "I retreat into my own little world because I don't understand human beings all that well, but I will emerge for you. Maybe I need to take classes. Or maybe do what your Daddy suggests. I’m so happy he’s in your life and that you’ve found someone who can give you the strong male guidance I wasn’t able to give you. I prefer to read and immerse myself in spreadsheets. It’s an escape. I love you, son. You’re special, unique, and valued in my eyes."
Father and son hug it out, and father and son both decide to work on their relationship together.
As we leave, BJ threads his fingers through mine. "Thank you for speaking to my father."
I turn to him, losing my breath because of the way the setting sun hits his face just right. Oh, my gods. His emerald eyes have transformed into a jungle, one brimming with flora and verdant fauna. Monkeys swing from vines, hooting and hollering as they search for bananas to eat. BJ is my monkey boy. My precious prince who swings from the vines of love and lands straight in my arms.
I tuck a strand of hair over his left ear. "We cannot fix the past, but we can change the future. Someone had to give your father a kick in the ass."
BJ grins. "Oh, don't hurt him. He’s far too fragile for that."
"And don't say ass," BJ whispers, leaning and standing on his tiptoes. "It’s tooshie."
He’s still not tall enough to kiss me on his tiptoes. I glance down, then smirk when it dawns on me that he barely comes up to my torso.
I heave him into my arms, then lead him to my car. I crush my lips to his the instant I press his back against the frame, losing myself in his mouth. We both taste like apple pie, which couldn’t be more delicious.
I taste life itself as I kiss BJ. It’s wonderful. Breathtaking. All-consuming.
Setting sunlight illuminates his green irises once again as I move back an inch to admire his face. So smooth, so soft, so adorable in every way. He looks like his father, no doubt about that. His father, the shy man who retreats into his inner world and doesn’t know how to come out.
I believe that BJ’s relationship with his father will heal from today onward. They’ll never feel a disconnect again.
I kiss the skin beside BJ’s quivering lips. I don't press too hard, because I’m afraid I’ll crush him with my mighty mouth.
The cruel name my classmates called me as a boy flashes back in my mind, but I refuse to give it the time of day. I’m not King Kong. No, I’m not a gorilla, and BJ isn’t my Jane.
BJ is BJ. I’m Bryce.
And we’ll love each other until the end of time.
The days with Bryce pass like a dream.
He teaches me about finance. He takes me to his big adult real estate meetings. We speak to bankers, private lenders, and architects.
Bryce is a pillar in the local investment community.
He also takes over my credit card payments. He tells me that I should never spend earned income, only investment income. I tell him that’s a problem because I don't have any investment income.
Bryce surprises me by driving me up to a little one-story house. He parks his car, helps me out of my car seat, and hands me a key.
"This is your first investment property, BJ."
Tears well in my eyes as I study the key in my palm. "Seriously?"
Bryce smiles, then hugs me. "A kind family named the O'Haras live here. They’ve been renting from me for three years, but I want them to purchase their own home so they don't need to spend money on rent. I arranged a rent to own deal with them after I transferred the deed to you. When they make their payments every month, it’ll go to you. In fifteen years when they finish making payments, they’ll own this house free and clear—and you’ll have reaped fifteen years' worth of cash flow."