Page 56 of Hug Bug
After I hug each of the O'Haras, Bryce takes me to the town dump.
I’m like a kid in a candy store. My toes wriggle, and I clench my fingers around Bryce’s as I resist the urge to run in.
Bryce walks straight up to the dump manager on duty. "You’ve got a few new loads I’d like to check out."
The manager issues Bryce a curt nod. "We sure do."
The way the manager speaks to Bryce feels like Bryce is a celebrity around here. I get shy, hiding behind Bryce because I know that this man will let us do anything we like. Maybe I can even run around the piles and search for goodies. Boards. Blocks. Nails.
Bryce turns around and drops to one knee. "Have you ever played in a dump, boy?"
I quiver and squirm, my body rippling with warmth. Shaking my head back and forth, I shoot Daddy as earnest of a look as I can. "No."
Bryce grins. "I have a platinum dump pass. That means that my men bring loads there every single day. No part of this dump is off-limits to me."
I take deep breaths to calm myself, except this doesn’t work. "Okay."
"Tell Daddy what you’d like to do."
I gaze in awe at the piles. "First, I’d like to see if there are any construction blocks, if that’s okay."
The manager walks over and pulls out a sucker. "Here you go, sweet boy. I didn’t realize it was bring your Little to work day, but I can tell that’s why you’re here, isn’t it? You’re accompanying your Daddy. Bryce is a perfect Daddy for you it’s clear to me because he knows so much about building and the dump. He can help you climb on top of the tallest piles and do anything."
I accept the sucker and pop it in my mouth. "Thank you."
Bryce laughs as he takes my hand. He waves to the manager, and then we’re off.
We skip like schoolgirls, giggling and laughing as we spring past mounds of construction garbage. Blocks, boards, and drywall surround us, piling toward the sky. Diggers sort garbage in the distance, and the very size of their wheels makes my head spin.
Bryce heaves me onto his shoulders. "Where do you want to go, boy?"
I giggle as I tug Bryce’s hair. I pretend like I’m controlling him like in Ratatouille. "To the top of the mountain!"
"It kind of feels like we’re on the surface of the moon, doesn’t it?"
When Bryce says this, I can’t help but gasp, looking around at the piles, holes, and scattered hammers and nail guns, it does resemble the moon. The holes are craters and the garbage mounds are boulders.
"We’re moon men, Daddy!"
"To infinity and beyond!" Bryce roars.
We bounce up to the top of the first garbage mound with ease. Bryce has such long legs, so in my estimation, he only takes a couple of steps. At least, that’s what it feels like.
We gaze out at the entire dump and even some construction sites in the distance when we reach the top. "Wow, boy. We did it."
A cool breeze blows my hair back, making me grin. My floppy hair flows back and forth, some sticking straight up. Oh, to see me right now. I wish Bryce had a camera because I bet the excitement on my face would be enviable.
"Next mound!"
Bryce traverses a deadly dump crater and climbs to the tippy top of the next mound. I gaze around again, my eyes glossing over, my mouth dropping open. My tongue lolls out of my mouth, and I get dizzy with joy.
Bryce sits down and unbuttons his checkered shirt. "Here you go, baby boy."
"What’s this?"
Bryce brings my lips to his left nipple. I suck it greedily, then relax at once. His nipple is hard yet pliable between my lips, and I swirl my tongue around it like I’m sucking my thumb. It’s so much better than my thumb because it’s part of Daddy and any part of Daddy is one that I love.