Page 5 of Sampled
When they got in the truck, Vandy wasn’t sure how to feel. She may have just agreed to a one-night stand. “Where are we going?”
“On an adventure. Not to the red room of pain.” He put the truck in gear.
“Red room of pain?”
“You know… Fifty Shades of Gray. The movie. It was a book first,” he pointed out, “and fanfic before that.”
“I didn’t read it. I heard it sucked,” Vandy said, trying and failing to sound more edgy.
“That’s the point. Hide it under another book cover. Pretend you were reading something intellectual. What do you do for fun?”
“Study. Chat with my friends. I’m doing an internship in an accounting firm this summer, so I work events with them.”
“That’s a lot of things you do for other people. What do you do for you?”
“I exercise. I swim. We have a really nice pool at the college and the firm has a gym. Hey,don’t judge me. What do you do for fun other than firefighting and sake tasting?”
“I taught myself to play the ukulele. And I sing with it. I think I want oboe lessons even though I can sing while playing it.”
“You want to play the oboe? I played that in middle school band. Back when I had braces and a perm. And I can’t believe I said that out loud.” Vandy covered her mouth as if her crooked teeth and fried hair could come back.
He laughed, “Why?”
“Because I’m driving to parts unknown with a hot guy on an adventure, and I told him about my crossbite and Cheetah Girls phase. “
“If I didn’t want you to talk, I wouldn’t be talking to you. And you don’t seem like a badge bunny.”
“What’s a badge bunny?”
“You don’t need to worry about it. You’re not a badge bunny.”
“Tell me or I’ll Google it.” She waved her phone with mock threat.
“Badge bunnies are people who have sex with firefighters because they’re firefighters. They’ll sleep with any firefighter they can find. They’re not particular.”
A completely ridiculous wave of jealousy swept over her. “You know badge bunnies?”
“I can’t say I ‘know’ the badge bunnies, but I’ve seen them.”
“‘Seen them’ or slept with them?” Vandy’s nerves were on edge now. She’d knownRoyce for at best an hour, and she was irrationally angry about anyone he’d been with before.
Irrational didn’t even describe it. Crazy. Insane. Pathologically jealous for no stupid reason.
“I don’t sleep with badge bunnies.” His answer came short and clipped.
“Then why did your firefighting buddies say… and why are you with me?” Her emotions went on full spin cycle. Jealous, needy, horny. He liked her enough to leave with her, but the way his guy friends acted…
“My friends have big mouths and think a dick in any chick equates happiness. It doesn’t.” He parked with unnecessary force in an empty parking lot. “I just didn’t want my job to be the thing that made you interested. We’re here.”
“Where is here? And does this mean we aren’t going to—” Her black hair had to be redder than his.
“Open the glove compartment and take out what you find there.” Royce took a blanket out from behind his seat.
She obeyed and a wide array of condoms fell into her lap. “So ‘yes’ on the sexthing?”
“We’re having an adventure.”He dropped his suit jacket on the driver’s seat before opening her door. He offered her his hand.
She considered it.