Page 27 of Afterglow
This relationship was definitely not going to last. Kayla Varma had a similarly horrified face, as his poor date blathered on more pseudoscientific dietary mumbo jumbo.
“That was completely fascinating,” Stella Magi encouraged her. “I’m sure Angela has had plenty of patients tell her about it.”
“It is a real game-changer,” Tabitha agreed. “Would you like me to get you some information about it?”
The cardiologist was struggling to keep a straight face. “Umm. I’ll check up on it first and let you know.”
“What she should have said was ‘your game-changing diet of fake medicine will cause thousands of people to have heart attacks,’” Daniel Steadman said.
“It could be harmless,” Kandal tried to play peacemaker.
“Harmless?” Steadman scoffed. “It’s a miracle she hasn’t had a heart attack while she’s here.”
“Hey, no one said anything about them keeping kosher,” Tabitha said.
“All of these dietary rules are imaginary, including kosher. Be an adult and admit imaginary spiritual rules are your own personal choice,” Steadman said.
A quick glance at Barak warned Raj there was an impending explosion. The man actually snapped his plastic fork in half and was glaring at Steadman.
Raj cleared his throat. “I don’t eat red meat at all. Never.”
“Neither do I,” Kayla said.
“Yes, you do,” Steadman disagreed.
“No, I don’t.”
“You order it.”
“And take it home to give to Eliza and Stella,” Kayla corrected him quietly.
“I love it when you go on dates with her. Eliza and I pig out on the steak and potatoes. Gets my cholesterol going,” Stella said.
“Red meat doesn’t cause high cholesterol,” Tabitha argued.
“It kind of does,” Angela finally spoke up. “Especially if it’s the only thing you eat.”
“But it’s probably not too bad,” Marcus Doyle tried to help. “You’re young, so if you don’t do it too long or get too heavy or do something crazy, you’ll be fine.”
“Yes, because meat only isn’t remotely crazy,” Steadman said.
“Excuse me. I don’t have to stay here and be insulted.” Tabitha waved her arm and promptly flipped her remaining chicken on top of Angela.
For her part, Angela tried to dodge the plate by standing up. There was a loud tearing sound, and her dress split down both shoulders and ended up in the vicinity of her waist.
Now Raj should have been following his date out the door and not looking at Angela.
But he did.
He couldn’t help it.
Doctor-Mrs. Harper wore a very nice and very transparent brassiere. Underneath that lovely transparency was… well… nice boobies. She really was shaped like Jessica Rabbit and gave the porn star doll he’d ordered by mistake a run for its money.
No wonder Michael would never ever stray.
Lucky guy he was, got to strip her naked and—
“Raj!” Nora hissed, and Raj remembered he wasn’t supposed to be staring.