Page 35 of Meet Me On The Ice
Leaning back, I cupped his face and watched as he studied me. Wondering what was going on in his head, I gently stroked his face then kissed him lightly on the lips.
This wasn’t a kiss of wanting or where I was hoping something would lead off from it, I just wanted to give him some comfort.
After letting go, I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and hugged him tightly as he hugged me back. We stayed in this position for as long as he needed it, and it was only when he started loosening his grip did I let go.
“I know you may not believe me, but I am truly, deeply sorry for the pain and hurt I caused you.”
“It was a long time ago, Sam.”
“I know, but I still need you to hear me say I’m sorry and know that I mean it. Leaving you behind was one of the hardest things I ever had to do.” He placed a hand on my cheek and rubbed his thumb across my skin as I stared at him a little baffled. I could hear as well as see the sincerity of his words in the way his eyes glistened.
“As soon as my manager told me to go home I had a feeling I’d bump into you. I didn’t think it would be on my first day back though, but I am so grateful that you spoke to me.”
“Well, I wasn’t going to just ignore you – Although, I did think about it.”
“Ahh, but my good looks kept calling you back.”
He winked at me with a cheerful teasing smile, and I just wanted to melt into his arms there and then. Despite how much he had gone through, he always seemed to have a smile on his face or at least appeared to be positive. I knew deep down it was because his lifestyle gave him stress, but his smiles were contagious.
“Shall we finish the food and head to bed?”
Reluctantly, I slipped off his lap and went to grab my phone to see the time. And it was extremely late or was it really early in the morning, either way, the fatigue I had been fighting all day was coming in waves.
“Sounds good to me.”
Once we finished the food and Sam had changed into a pair of sweatpants, we climbed into the rather large Queen-sized bed. Oddly enough I was glad it had a lot of space in it. This would be the first time since Luke that I slept next to a man that wasn’t my husband, but Sam kept his distance.
“I hope you don’t snore,” I said, rolling on my side towards him.
He laughed a little as he turned on a small lamp beside the bed, giving the room a warm orange glow.
“I hope you don’t either.” He winked at me and got himself comfortable.
“Well, goodnight then.”
“Goodnight, Kim.”
The constant vibrating of a phone against the bedside table woke me from my sleep and I flipped the phone over to put it on silent. I didn’t want it disturbing Kim anymore as she shifted a little in the space next to me. At some point we had become closer, I found her back tucked up next to me. I would have cuddled in more if the knocking on the hotel room door didn’t start.
Knocking gently at first then increasingly getting louder and louder the longer I took to move. Kim started to move as she lifted her head up and turned a little to look at me sleepily.
“Is that the door?”
Now there was another vibrating noise in the room, this time it was Kim’s phone was lighting up with an unknown mobile number.
I thought for a split second my mother had tracked me down, but nope, it was in fact the women who had pretty much become my mother. Paula. Paula was shouting behind the closed door.
“Oh, fuck.”
Panic rolled over me as I let go of Kim and lifted my phone up, to too many missed calls to count, voicemails and many many texts from Paula as well as my entire PR team. I knew what this was. And this was bad.
Kim pushed herself up and rested her back against the headboard as she took hold of her phone. The knocking still continued. I was a little scared to open it, I knew Paula was going to ring my neck. I really didn’t want her first meeting with Kim to be of Paula kicking my ass.