Page 40 of Meet Me On The Ice
“Is he here?”
“Mr. Jones? No, sorry, he’s at HQ prepping for another press conference. He’s got a game this Saturday and needs to train.”
“Where’s the game?”
“Videotron Centre arena. It’s his comeback game so they wanted to make sure it was a big one.”
Lowering my eyes, I felt slightly disappointed. It would have been nice to see him here and maybe we could clear the air, discuss what happened back at the hotel and maybe move past it. Katelyn went back on her phone and began calling some number and as I began to leave, she took hold of my hand.
“Yes, I need the plane ready for Friday. Yes, Miss Morgan will be attending the game.”
My eyes widened as I hadn’t suggested anything like that or even been asked if I wanted to go. Clearly Katelyn liked to take charge, the same as Paula it seemed. She hung up the phone a minute later and smiled at me as if she had done me a favor.
“Eh, Katelyn, I can’t just up and leave. My brother's wedding is next weekend and I’m needed here.”
“Yes, and I believe Mr. Jones will be attending the wedding. We already have it booked in the planner; he will make the return flight with you.”
I wasn’t used to being told what to do, or what was happening. I was pretty good at planning my own things or at least doing things my way. She smiled at me a little wider, happy with her choice, before letting go of my hand and left me standing there questioning if this was a good idea.
“Wait. Does he even know?” I shouted.
“No, it’s a surprise,” she shouted back and Olivia’s eyes picked up as she asked Katelyn what we had talked about.
I lost count how many news anchors and interviews I had done by the time we reached the hotel in Vancouver. My feet ached, my head pounded and there was a stabbing pain behind my eyes. All I wanted to do was sleep and yet, Chris and Paula continued discussing my big game tomorrow night.
Chris asked a million questions about Kimberly and why she hadn’t been to any of the interviews. What was she to me and did she even matter? I lost count of the number of times I was ready to lose my shit and smash his teeth in. If it wasn’t for Paula I would have.
I hadn’t seen the boys yet, not since Chris benched me. Sighing again, I knew deep down there was going to be some issues with my return. After all, I was still captain, and my sub-captain would need to back the hell down when I skated onto the ice tomorrow.
“I’ve organized breakfast for tomorrow morning with the boys. Sam, you need to make amends.”
Chris ordered while he stuffed his face with a burger. I was too tired to eat and didn’t really care what he wanted or what his feelings were.
“Sam, it would be a good idea to apologize to Jason. You know, you did punch him in the face then almost beat him senseless.” Paula placed a hand on my shoulder and looked at me with worrisome eyes.
“Alright, I will apologize. Can we leave it now? I need sleep.”
“Sure, buddy, Paula and I need to go over a few more things, just be down here at nine tomorrow.” Again, Chris commanded, I could almost make out his full sentence behind his fries. The man would choke talking and eating at the same time as he did.
Finishing my drink and cramming the last bit of food in my mouth, I left them to talk. Heading upstairs and down the corridor to my hotel room, my feet dragged. I was beyond exhausted. Feeling grateful when the large king size bed greeted me, I couldn’t wait to jump in the shower, wash off the airplane smell and climb in.
Turning on the television for some background noise, I flicked to the NHL sports channel. It wasn’t surprising to see my face as lights and cameras flash when I entered this hotel. I wouldn’t have been surprised either if they were still stationed outside waiting, like vultures, for when the rest of the team arrived.
We were at the top of our game, champions for the last three seasons. Since Jason took my place, we were losing our scoring rep and winning streak. Maybe that’s why they wanted me back so soon as I had thought I’d be off for at least another six months.
Once showered, I sighed as I climbed into the comfortable bed and almost knocked myself out as I yanked the bed sheets upwards. Why hotels insisted on tucking the sheets in at the bottom so tightly I’d never know. I was grateful when my eyes started to get heavy and I switched the bedside lamp off. My mind wondered, thinking back to the hotel room I stayed in with Kimberly and how I was missing her company.
* * *
“Can we just all let bygones be bygones, Sam has realized the error of his dickheaded ways and now we have to kick ass at our game tonight!”
Louis was my left-wing man and the only one I could rely on throughout the entire team. He reminded me of a hyperactive puppy most of the time, always bouncing his leg, playing with something, or talking rather fast. Slapping me on the back as I tried to drink my coffee, he almost caused me to choke on it. Jason rolled his eyes from across the table while the other four, Duncan, James, Ryan, and Noah kept their heads down and continued eating their breakfast.
“Look man, I know I’m an ass and I shouldn’t have thrown a punch and stuff at you. I do apologize.”