Page 44 of Meet Me On The Ice
I didn’t realize how much I did miss him until he was holding me.
Once we scored the final goal for the night, 10-18, I couldn’t wait to get out of my gear and find Kim. I knew she’d be with Katelyn and the others, but I just wanted her all to myself. We could hopefully talk, clear the air, and spend some time together.
And yet, the boys had other ideas. They wanted to party, celebrate my return and even the other team wanted to join. The match was friendly, no foul play and it reminded me of how much I love hockey.
Stepping out back into the rink once most of the crowd had emptied out, I saw a group was waiting for the team. James’s wife and some of the other girls the boys would hang with were all waiting. Including Stacey, someone I had a fling with many times over the years. She made somewhat good company when the nights got lonely, but now all I saw was Kim.
God, she looked gorgeous in my jersey and if she wanted to wear only that later on tonight… I wouldn’t say no. I wouldn’t be able to control myself. She hadn’t left my thoughts during the weeks apart.
I hadn’t realized how buried my feelings were for her. Old ones I had forgotten about. Love wasn’t much when you were a teen. My mom would often throw it in my face calling it puppy love, and that I would get bored of her.
One of the reasons I had ignored mom's calls and texts was that she would ask a million questions about me, about Kim and how it even happened.
“You joining us for a drink, Sam?”
Louis asked as he hooked an arm over one of the girls and Stacey caught my eyeline, smiling sweetly at me. Ignoring her, it felt like she didn't exist, because all I could do was look for Kim. Who had disappeared on me. “Nah, not tonight bud, I’ve got a girl to see.”
Stacey’s face dropped as she huffed and turned suddenly aiming for the door. Some part of me wanted to run after her, to explain it wasn’t hard feelings or anything, but I wanted Kim.
I wanted her body against mine. I wanted her scent all over me. Her hands roaming free. I didn’t want anyone else.
I had fallen. And hard. This new chapter of our lives would be different. We were grown, we had both been hurt and gone through the wars. I wanted to go through so much more with her at my side. As long as she’d have me.
As I looked around trying to see if she had left with Katelyn, I was grateful when my phone buzzed, and her name popped up.
Went outside for some air. Want to go for a walk?
A walk sounded pretty good, it meant we could not only clear the air, but it also meant we would be alone, well kind of alone as I was sure some photographers might follow us. Hopefully we’d lose them though. Rushing to the main entrance as the last part of the crowd was leaving, they spotted me, all cheering and shouting. Not one to be rude, I couldn’t get past them without getting a few photographs in and signing some shirts. Thankfully, someone had a pen as I never carried one. Everyone was in happy spirits, I'd felt rude if I ignored them and pushed my way through. Even if I was impatient to get away, I couldn’t wait to see her.
Finally, I pushed open the doors and there she was, standing near the edge by the parking lot. Cars beeped as patrons unlocked their vehicles. Some were in lines already, while parking attendants helped direct the crowd out. Even with all the noise and lights, I was blind sided by Kimberly.
“There you are, I've been looking everywhere for you.” She turned around as I walked towards her, her smile as bright and beautiful as ever. “I was beginning to think I’d stand out here all night.”
She had a black puffer jacket wrapped around her as the winter chill had started to set in and winters in Quebec were cold. Although the sun had set hours ago, the sky had a pink purplish shade to it. Which usually only meant one thing, snow.
“I wouldn’t leave you standing out here on your own.”
Holding out my hand, I prayed she’d take it and when she did, I swear I turned into a little boy with a schoolboy crush. Linking her arm through mine, we headed to wherever our legs would take us.
Heading into the main city, we looked at the Christmas and fairy lights decorating the streets. The streets were a bustle filled with Christmas music, small market stalls of people selling ceramic decorations, glass, and woodwork as well as other bits and bobs.
Kim took her time looking at each stall while still holding onto my arm. With each move she made, I was glued to her side. I’d happily walk into traffic if that’s what she wanted to do.
“Would you like any help, my dears?”
An older woman, at the handmade Christmas decorations stall, smiled up at Kim as she picked up a felt made dog that looked like Daisy. She examined it before putting it down, as if she had changed her mind.
“Buy it if you like it.”
“You don’t think it’s silly?”
“I think it will be silly if you leave it and regret it later.”
Jane used to do that. She’d see something she liked in the store and no matter how much she wanted it; she’d never buy it. One of my regrets was I didn’t get to spoil her and gift her with the things I knew she deeply loved.