Page 25 of Sold for Sin
“Oh, that’s fine. I understand,” I say meekly.
I ponder what might have unfolded in the past regarding Taveth’s mate, but I avoid prodding. I get the feeling that some tragic misfortune struck Valkus’ brother, and in that moment, I feel sympathy for him.
It’s a shame the rest of his family aren’t perfect, but it doesn’t matter to me, because Valkus is.
“Would you like another try?” he asks.
I’m more eager to join him this time. He wraps a hand around my waist, instructing me to make a horizontal stroke across the top of the canvas. I try to focus as a trail of blue emanates from the brush, but I find myself distracted by Valkus’ kisses along my neck.
“You’re good with those hands,” he whispers, sending a wave of pleasure down my spine.
“Only good?” I retort playfully, turning around to face him. “I’m more than good, and you know that.”
“Is that so? Well, I’m afraid I don’t, so you’re going to have to show me.”
I slide my hand down his pants, taking pleasure in his moans. Just then, a shrill voice pierces the air around us. Nexus jolts awake, his ears flat and tail low as we all turn to look at Yiosha.
“My apologies for interrupting your private affairs,” she sneers with a smirk.
By the gods, I want to slap that grin off that stupid face of hers.
“Valkus, you are needed in the manor. It’s urgent family business.”
Sighing, Valkus gently pushes me off of him.
“If it’s a family thing then I advise you to stay out here. Feel free to roam the gardens if you wish, and I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
I plant a kiss on his cheek. He winks at me before leaving, Nexus trailing beside him. I return to my seat, frustrated that the zagfer bitch interrupted us.
At least with everyone gone, I can take some time out here to contemplate my brewing feelings for Valkus.
The day had been going incredibly well right up until the point of Yiosha’s interjection. I’m not happy to be following her, but I know better than to keep getting on my family’s bad side.
I only wonder what could be so important that I had to be pulled away from Althia so abruptly. Nexus trots along beside me, his tail hanging low.
“Go return to Althia and keep her company. Good boy.”
The likar trills and spins around, breaking into a jog to head back the way we just came. I continue walking behind Yiosha as we enter the manor. There, she takes me through various twists and turns, eventually leading me to the common room.
It is where the family often convenes for meetings and tea time. Yiosha opens the door and steps aside. She doesn’t follow me in.
The decor in the room creates a darker atmosphere. Usually, it is used closer to night when the dim light of the evening accentuates the maroon-colored walls. A chandelier hangs down from the ceiling, though it is nowhere near as large as its counterpart in the dining room.
A small table sits centrally in the room with five chairs gathered around it. Three of them are occupied, their takers rising at my entrance. My mother greets me with a faint smile.
The second woman steps forward, pulling me in for a hug.
“Velora!” I quip. “Forgive me, sister, I forgot that you were scheduled to visit today.”
“Forgiven, though I must say, you do not seem so pleased to see me, dear brother.”
It’s true. As much as I love my sister, I only get along with her slightly better than I do with my parents. She often ate up their criticisms of me and regurgitated them with the blanketed disguise of sisterly advice.