Page 27 of Sold for Sin
“This is far from ideal!” she says, raising her voice. “Valkus, you need to find a better mate than a human woman! I know some suitable candidates if you’re willing –”
“Enough!” I yell. With a shaky hand, I place my untouched tea on the table. “I have heard enough from Mother and Father already. The last thing I need is to hear the same words from my own sister.”
“Valkus!” gasps Meriana. “Velora hands you a golden opportunity to find a mate, and you brush it off? Now I’ve seen it all.”
“Mother and Father are right to voice their concerns. Have you thought of how a human mate will reflect on the family in the eyes of the public?”
I clench my fist, the temptation to attack my sister rising rapidly within me.
“If I have to hear one more word about how outside eyes will view the family, I swear to the gods…”
“Take it easy, Valkus,” interjects Dravank.
I take a deep breath.
“Besides, I am an artist, a chivdouyu of the highest standard,” I say after calming down. “A defining trait of all the great artists in history is that they care not for the opinions of others.”
“I remember you were always like this, even as a kid,” scoffs Velora. “Always thinking –”
“About myself?” I interject. “Save your breath, dear sister. You are all the same.”
“Let me impart some important information on you,” says Dravank. “We’re not talking about some art piece of yours that will be forgotten about in the space of a week. This is a mate, something that will impact the family for a lifetime.”
“What the fuck did you just say about my art?” I shout, rising to my feet.
“Stop!” yells Velora, stepping in front of her husband.
“If I wanted advice from a pompous asshole, I would have asked!” My eyes remain locked on Dravank. “By the way, nice job wearing the pants.”
If I stay here any longer, I’ll do something that I regret. I spin around in an effort to leave the room, but my mother calls out to me.
“Hold it right there!”
“Just leave me be!” I shout, turning around to face the opposition once more. “Let me live life on my own terms! I hate how this family tries to hold my damn hand through everything. I do not need your fucking help, got it?”
“This is over the line!” says Dravank, having the audacity to square up to me.
For a moment, I question if he’s insane. The magic inside of me is about to burst at any moment.
“I expected all of Velora’s family to exude honor and respect, but you! You, Valkus, have all the grace and decorum of a walking taura! You ought to be grateful that your family has such high expectations, to not want you to resort to some human whore –”
My hands around his throat prevent any further words from leaving it.
“You watch your fucking mouth when you talk about my mate!” I hiss through clenched teeth. Something dark rears its head within me. Fury and a desire for violence unlike anything I’ve ever felt before pulses through me.
He needs to die for speaking of her that way. His tongue should be ripped from his mouth for daring to even shape her name. His blood should paint the fucking floor for this.
“Unhand him!” demands Meriana.
“Dravank!” cries Velora.
The voices of my family members force me to drag back some modicum of control. I shove him away, causing him to trip over the table. Mugs smash, and tea pours all over the carpet.
“You’re such an asshole!” yells my sister.
She and my mother rush to Dravank’s side, helping him up. There is a look of burning fury in my mother’s eyes as she looks up at me.
“Get out of my sight!”