Page 36 of Sold for Sin
There’s nothing that can take me away from enjoying this moment. A life like this was only a dream not long ago, so the people of Pyrthos had better believe that I am going to take full advantage of it.
I have one man to thank for this, looking at him longingly as we stride through the streets. It feels so right to be holding his arm. I want everyone to see how good we look together.
Most of all, though, I love how unafraid he is to show me off. With him around, no opposers dare say a thing right to our faces.
Yet, there is still a strange fear lingering, the fear of being attacked in the same manner as I was on my last night near the lowtowns.
Valkus squeezes my hand, perhaps feeling how tense I am in his grip.
“Do not worry about a single thing, Althia. You are safe here with me.”
“Thank you. I just hope that one day, humans can walk these streets without the need of a dark elf for protection’s sake.”
He makes every effort to reassure me when I need it, allowing me to truly let go and have the best of times with him.
We stop for a quick kaffo break with baked goods and even wind up dining in a restaurant designated only for the chivdouyu caste and upwards. We laugh when we receive more than our fair share of odd looks, even from the staff.
The time comes for us to ride home. On the way back, I gaze out of the window, wondering what lies beyond the horizons of Pyrthos.
“How are you?” asks Valkus.
I look over at him as he sits opposite me. Beside him are various bags and boxes full of goods that he purchased for me. He smiles with complete glee.
“I’m on top of the world,” I tell him.
“Are you excited for the ceremony? It’s coming up very soon now.”
“More than anything.”
I twirl a small vase I bought today, inspecting it as we chat back and forth about the ceremony.
“I was thinking that – Ow!”
I throw a hand to my stomach as I’m hit with a searing pain like someone just punched me in the gut. I drop the vase, the delicate structure smashing to pieces on the carriage floor.
“Hey, you okay?”
“I’m fine, don’t worry about me,” I say, feigning a smile. “That came out of nowhere.”
“We’re almost home, will you be fine for the journey?”
The pain reduces to a numb stomach ache as I draw a deep breath.
“Yes, I just need to get to bed and relax for a while. Could have been something I ate at that restaurant.”
We eventually get home. Valkus orders servants to stow away our purchased goods as I get a head start to the bedroom. Once I step inside, I get hit with a sudden wave of fatigue, and I retire to the chair by the desk.
“Fuck, what’s happening to me?” I ask myself, now struggling to breathe.
My chest becomes heavy as if someone has anchored an anvil to it. I lay my head on the desk, using my arm as a pillow. That’s when everything starts fading.
“Hey,” says Valkus’ sudden voice. “There’s a bed for sleeping right next to you.”
“Hmm? Oh, right. Silly me.” I laugh, forcibly trying to conceal my pain.
An early night’s sleep helps me forget about it.
* * *