Page 40 of Sold for Sin
“Sorry to end the night so suddenly, but do you mind if I just head to bed?”
I tilt my head in confusion, narrowing my gaze at her as I spot the sudden appearance of exhaustion on her face. It’s as if someone just drained all the life out of her.
“No problem. Come on then, I’ll walk you up.”
I stroll to her side where she links arms with me. Together, we leave the dining room, proceeding towards the staircase. Reaching the bottommost step, she lets go of my arm to run her hand over her face, yawning yet again.
“Did you enjoy tonight?” I ask.
She nods as we start ascending.
“Me too, I’m glad you enjoyed your meal.” I beam. “I’d be more than happy to cook for us again tomorrow evening if you’d like. Perhaps something lighter though, what do you think?”
No answer comes.
Alarm grips me when I notice she’s no longer beside me. I spin around, spotting her as she shakily wobbles on all fours on the middle step.
“Althia!” I yell.
The alarm turns to anger as I run back down to her, recalling how weak she had been feeling over the past few days. It looks like it’s not over.
“Talk to me!”
She says nothing, her eyes slowly closing and opening as if fighting to stay conscious.
“Damn it!”
I lift her into my arms and jog up the rest of the way. I look from side to side, briefly forgetting which way her room is in my fit of rage. I break off in the direction of her quarters upon remembering, all the while feeling that something sinister is unfolding all around me.
Is this some type of illness? An allergy? Fuck! It must be my fault… Focus! Got to get her set down so I can help her.
I reach my bedroom, kicking the door open. My legs are crying with pain from the sudden burst of activity but I ignore it, focused on the wellbeing of my girl.
As I set her down, I notice her eyes are completely closed, and even worse, that her chest is still and unmoving.
“Fuck! Breathe, Althia!”
At that moment, Nexus comes running in, his ears pointed outwards as he inspects Althia. His tail falls.
I grab Althia’s face, trying to shake her awake. When I get no response, I realize what I must do. The magic inside of me is buzzing and begging to be put to use, and that’s exactly what I’m about to do.
I lay my quivering palms on her temples and begin muttering a healing spell. Sweat pours down my forehead, my heart pumping with so much unease that I suspect I too will pass out from shock.
Keep it together, she needs you!
A blue glow emanates from my hands as I emit healing energy with every ounce of strength I have in me.
Don’t leave me, please… I can’t be without you.
Her chest suddenly shoots up and then falls, returning to a normal pattern of movement as she begins breathing again. Sighing with relief, I remove my hands from her. She remains unconscious still, her face as peaceful as it normally is when she sleeps.
“What just happened?” I ask myself, clenching my fists. “This isn’t right. She’s well looked after here. She shouldn’t fall ill for no reason.”
Then the epiphany comes to me.
“Something like this happened before… When Taveth brought back that girl all those years ago.”