Page 43 of Sold for Sin
I’d be dead if not for Valkus. I owe him my life.
My love for him is something I decide not to keep contained for any longer. I need to tell him, all I need is an opportune time.
I almost died last night, and had things gone any differently, I would never have gotten the chance to tell Valkus all of what I feel for him.
“Are you alright?” he asks.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” I tell him with a smile.
I so badly wish to tell him now, but I don’t want to distract him from healing me. Plus, I don't exactly feel beautiful given my current state.
“I forgot to tell you today just how marvelous you look.”
Well, shit, he can read my mind.
“We’re done with your healing for now. Is there anything I can get for you? Some food or tea, perhaps?”
“I’m not hungry just yet, but some tea would be good, thank you.”
Valkus excuses himself. Nexus sticks by my side, nestling close to my chest as I scratch behind his ears. He trills as he gazes at me, slowly blinking his eyes.
“I’m alright now. Don’t worry, Nexus. I hope I didn’t scare you last night.”
The likar angles his body to face me. Extending his paws out, he begins kneading my body, his eyes closing.
“You’re a good boy. Sorry for making you fret so much over me.”
Soon after, Valkus returns with a cup of steaming hot rirzed tea. A light, numbing sensation still buzzes in my head as I try shifting around. I wince, catching Valkus’ attention.
“Take your time, Althia. You’re still not a hundred percent just yet.”
“Valkus, thank you for helping me.”
He joins me on his side of the bed, throwing an arm over my shoulder.
“You don’t have to thank me for saving your life, I was hardly going to let you wither away.”
“It’s just…” I groan. My voice gives out as I shed a tear. Taking a deep breath to gather myself, I turn to look into Valkus’ gentle eyes. “If it was anyone else in Pyrthos, they wouldn’t have given me a second of their attention, but here you are, exhausted and still looking after me.”
He cups my face.
“Remember when I took you in? I made you a promise that you would always be looked after, no matter what. I didn’t save you so I could still have a wedding, I saved you because…”
Wait, is he about to tell me that he loves me?
“Because you’re my best friend.”
His words still touch me deeply, but both of us laugh when Nexus glares at him over his shoulder.
“You too, buddy,” Valkus says with a chuckle. “All three of us.”
“I won’t forget this,” I say, dashing my tears away. “Let’s talk about something else. I need to forget what happened.”
“Sure. How about we go over the plans for the wedding ceremony?”
“Better yet, how about you kiss me?” I say flirtatiously.
“Don’t have to say it twice.”