Page 48 of Sold for Sin
There is a hand around my throat, and I try to lift my own hands to fight it off in a vain attempt to try and save my life.
But it is futile. I am not strong enough to loosen the bonds around my wrists.
Valkus doesn’t even know where I am, I realize, and the terror of this makes my body go cold. I think I am dying, and Valkus doesn’t even know where I am.
I start to shiver then, and I am not sure whether it is from fright or if the liquid is taking effect on my body.
I am quite sure that it is poison and it is fast-acting, because my hands fall to my sides, going numb.
My vision is hazy as the object in my throat is pulled violently from my mouth, ripping the inside of my mouth open as it is removed.
I slump to the ground, unable to hold myself as my entire body goes numb.
I think I am dying.
I wish I could speak, just so that I could say Valkus’s name. I do not expect that saying his name would make him magically appear.
But I just want the pleasure of saying the name of the man I love, one last time.
Before I die.
My attacker isn’t done with me yet, though. They proceed to tighten the bonds around my wrists and ankles before they land a blow to my stomach.
My body jerks and a shrill shriek escapes me, although I am not sure how because I cannot even feel my mouth.
My attacker continues to kick and hit me as I slowly fall into unconsciousness. And all I can do is lay there.
Nexus is still crowing and almost howling outside the door as hands wrap around my throat again and begin to throttle me.
Valkus. Valkus. Valkus.
All I can do is think his name as I lay there and my eyes fall closed. The darkness in the room seems to seep in under my eyelids because I don’t see Valkus when my eyes close, as I hoped I would.
All I see is darkness.
Tears are still leaking from my eyes as I hear footsteps pacing up and down in the room. My attacker is muttering to themselves, and it sounds almost frenzied.
At this point, all I want to do is be unconscious. I do not have the strength to stay awake.
I just wish I had seen Valkus one last time before this. I cannot even summon an image of him to my mind. The darkness is so overwhelming.
I know that this is happening to me. I can feel it. I can feel the effects of the poison.
But I also cannot believe that this happened. I cannot believe that someone hated me enough to hurt me like this.
And I cannot believe that this happened before I got to really tell Valkus how I feel about him.
Before I got to thank him properly for taking such good care of me.
Before I got to hear him tell me how he feels about me.
Something painful twists in my chest, the last part of me that seems able to feel something other than the all-encompassing numbness. I let out a gasp.
I am being dragged into the deep darkness without having said goodbye to Valkus. Without having kissed him one last time, without having felt his strong arms around me one last time.
My tears have dried. Maybe, in the state I am in, my body is incapable of producing more tears.
The room is still cold, but I cannot even shiver. My body is so still that I could convince myself I was dead if I wasn’t still thinking of Valkus.