Page 17 of Heat of the Moment
I stared at him. “I’ve never thought about life like that... and I’ve never met anyone else who does.”
“If you expect scarcity, Willow, that is what you’ll get. Look for abundance, expect it, and it will be there for you.”
“Okay. I will,” I promised.
He glanced at his watch. “Shall we go meet the enemy?”
I stood. “Yeah. Just give me five minutes to freshen up.” I looked down at him. “Um… which room do you want?”
“Which room do you want?”
“The smaller one will do me fine.”
He looked at me levelly. “Why not the bigger one?”
“Train yourself to look for abundance, Willow,” he said softly.
I bit my lip. All my life I’d tried to make everybody else happy. “Okay. I’ll take the main bedroom.”
He smiled approvingly. “Good. That’s my girl. See you in five.”
“Wow! What a shiny freaking beast,” Willow gasped as we neared the bright red car.
“Yup, beauty, huh?”
“What is it?” she asked, in an awed whisper.
“A Mercedes McLaren.”
She looked at me, her forehead furrowed. “It must have cost you a lot even to rent it. Surely far more than what you’ll earn from me.”
I shook my head. “Nope. I love fast cars and I have a running deal with a particular rental company. I pay a fixed monthly fee and they send me the cars that are not rented out. I don’t care what type or class of car they send as long as it’s fast.”
“I see. I hope you’re not thinking of driving like a madman on these snowy roads. I’ve lived in these parts most of my life and I know how treacherous they can be in this weather.”
“I race on my days off, so relax,” I said.
“Whatever, but I’m not getting into that monster until you promise you’ll drive like a normal person.”
I laughed and conceded, “Fine. I’ll drive like a normal person.”
We slipped in and I pressed the start button and the motor instantaneously roared to life.
“Whoa,” she yelled at the thunderous noise, and I laughed.
And so, we began the journey to her stepmother’s house. I glanced at her. She was a bigger person than I was, that was for sure. There was no fucking way I would attend this wedding if I were in her shoes. And if I did, I’d definitely have to punch someone.
“Nervous?” I asked.
She shook her head. “Not yet.”
Less than forty minutes later, we drove into the driveway of a sprawling single-story house. It had an appealing wraparound porch and a low roof.
“Is this where you grew up?” I asked.
“Yes.” She looked at me and swallowed hard. “I’m nervous now.”
“Don’t think you can convince the people in that house you’re in love with me?”
“Of course, I can. Don’t sweat it, gorgeous,” she blurted out, then looked away with embarrassment at her unintended confession. “The real question is, can you?”
“Do you know what I’d like to do right now?”
“I’d like to open your legs wide and suck your pussy until you scream… and even then, I won’t stop. I will suck you for hours and hours until you’re so fucking swollen you won’t be able to walk.”
Her mouth opened in shock. “Are you seriously telling me that before we go into my stepmother’s house?”
“Why not? Didn’t it make you wet?”
She blushed then. The color running up her neck and into her cheeks. “I’m not wet.”
“Liar. I can smell your desire.”
“You’re disgusting,” she muttered. “Why do you want me to be wet in my stepmother’s house anyway?”
“It will add a layer of authenticity. Come on. Give me a quick kiss. I can see a blonde woman staring at us from the window. We don’t want her to see us arguing now, do we?”
She leaned forward and quickly pressed her lips to mine. I wanted to grab her and kiss the hell out of her, but… I had time. Slowly. She would be mine before the weekend was out.
We got out of the car and walked towards the porch.
She knocked on the door and while we waited, she tapped her heel on the ground. Other than that, she didn’t look as nervous as she had in the car. Footsteps sounded on the other side of the door, then it swung open. A blonde woman opened the door. She had that Hollywood aging actress look. Flawless hair, plumped mouth, overly full cheeks, and not a wrinkle in sight. This must be Willow’s stepmother.
“Willow! Your hair. It’s beautiful,” she cried. If one didn’t know better, she gave the unquestionable impression of being ecstatically happy to see her stepdaughter.
“Hi, Nicole,” Willow said in a voice that greatly contrasted with her stepmother’s. She allowed the woman to hug her, but stood stiffly and did not return the embrace. She turned towards me.
“Nicole, this is Rex Hunter, my boyfriend. Rex, meet my stepmother, Nicole.”
I shook her hand. She had a firm grip. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Garrett.”