Page 39 of Heat of the Moment
I responded to emails on my phone while she showered.
The shower went off and five minutes later, Willow returned to the room, wrapped in a white towel. My cock lurched at the sight of her clear, cream skin and the just scrubbed look. Willow was one of those women who actually looked good without make-up.
I pushed aside the bed covers so she could see how hard she had made me.
“Wow,” she said softly.
I wrapped my hand around the base of my cock and watched as Willow let the towel drop and sunk down, impaling herself on my erect shaft. Bracing her palms flat on my belly, she rotated her hips in slow circles around my cock.
I drove up, plunging my cock in and out of her. Willow met me thrust for thrust as hunger met hunger. We were both gasping for breath as we pummeled each other to the edge.
I got off Rex and lay down next to him. The high of the orgasm was gone and I suddenly felt exhausted. All the negative emotions and the extraordinary amounts of alcohol I had consumed in the last two days had finally got to me.
“What’s the matter?” Rex asked.
“I’m going for a walk along the lake. My head’s muddled. I need to think.”
“Want me to come?”
I shook my head. He was part of the muddle. “See you when I get back, okay?”
He nodded. “Okay.”
I got dressed and went out into the cold morning air. Immediately, I felt better. I kept walking in the cold until my thoughts became clear. I was not confused. I was in love. Oh God!
I was in love with Rex!
And I was dreading the end of the weekend.
I turned around and hurried back to the hotel. When I got into our suite, I felt it instantly. He wasn’t there. I ran to the table where breakfast had been laid out. There was a note there for me on the hotel’s stationery.
Hey Beautiful,
Something urgent came up at work and I have to leave right away.
I’m so sorry I can’t be at the wedding, would have loved to have stood next to you, but maybe it’s not necessary. My job here is done.
I’ve already settled the hotel bill and instructed Solomon to book you transport to the airport. Please liaise with him about times etc.
See you on Thursday.
Take care, Willow.
xx Rex
For a second, I was so stunned I didn’t believe what I was reading. Then I reread the note. Something so urgent came up on a Sunday at work that he had to leave without saying goodbye? Especially when he knew I’d only gone for a walk and would be back in minutes.
I didn’t believe it.
I went through everything I’d said that morning to him. Did I say something to piss him off? I couldn’t remember saying anything that would even remotely put him or anybody off? Then again, if he was upset with me why carry on with the meeting on Thursday?
I looked at the ‘xx’ before his name. Men didn’t throw those around for nothing, did they?
I had no choice, but to take him at face value. I knew nothing about what he did for the company, but it must be very important, otherwise how could he put the bill for the Presidential suite down as a company expense?
Maybe something really bad did happen.
It was already nine thirty and I should be getting ready for the wedding. I went to the safe and to my surprise all the jewelry was still there. I felt sure then that he must intend to see me again. These pieces must be worth hundreds of thousands if not in the millions. The emerald necklace alone must be worth years of my salary.
I felt dazed as I got ready, slipping into my cream Chanel suit. It was a classic style. The gold buttons, embossed with the Chanel logo, gleamed in the morning sun slanting in through the tall windows. I put my hair up the way the hairdresser had shown me to and did quite a good job of it. Then I hung the pearl chains around my neck and slipped into the cream shoes that matched my suit. I looked in the mirror and I had to admit I looked amazing, but there was a terrible knot of confusion and shock at the base of my stomach as I left the suite.
Rex leaving so suddenly had thrown me for a loop.
My whole family was gathering in Tiffany’s suite, but I was too tense to go there immediately. I decided to go down to Blackbeard’s Bar. It was open all day, maybe I could get some Dutch courage first before I went up to Tiffany’s suite.
As I suspected, The bar was completely deserted. I rang the old-fashioned bell, and a man popped his head up from behind the bar. He gave me a big grin. “Family of the bride, eh?”