Page 4 of Heat of the Moment
“Fantastic. Can’t wait to meet him. What’s his name?”
“Look, I’ve got to go. Someone’s at the door. I’ll talk to you soon, okay?” I said, and quickly cut the connection.
With Pogo hot on my heels I hurried to the kitchen. I stood at the window and stared out of it. My cheeks were burning. Did Olivia really believe me? She could be a bit naïve, but Tiffany or my stepmother would never believe it.
The view from the kitchen had been the selling point of this tiny apartment. If you crane your neck out of the window on a good day you get a partial view of Brooklyn Bridge.
A scream filled the air.
At first, it sounded as if it was coming from the apartment above. Pogo gave a frightened yelp and ran off to cower in a corner. I sank down on the cold, tiled floor and began to sob. Pogo came out of his hiding spot and tried to get into my lap. He made strange growly noises of confusion and distress. It was not his fault. Poor baby. I stroked his silky head.
“It’s okay, it’s okay,” I soothed, again and again, like a monotonous mantra. I didn’t know if I was saying it to calm him or myself. But it helped us both.
Pogo started to relax. He draped his small fat body over my thigh and let out a sigh of contentment. If I knew Tiffany at all, for sure the wedding would be a lavish affair at the country club where all the crème de la crème of society weddings were held. The easiest thing would be to make up an excuse of being ill and not attend the damn thing, but I was not going to give her and Steven the satisfaction of hiding away.
I could see Tiffany crowing to Steven, “See, I told you she was lying. She hasn’t found a man at all, and now she’s too embarrassed to show her face.”
And they would both imagine I was still hurting over their betrayal.
No, I had to show everyone I’d moved on. I was happy. I didn’t need Steven. Which was the God honest truth. I was well over Steven. In fact, I was eternally glad I didn’t waste another second with him. Two years was enough. The thought of them getting married didn’t really hurt that much. I could go to that wedding no problem. The thing that hurt the most was my family’s treachery. The way they had all taken Tiffany’s side and turned their backs on me, abandoned me as if I was the one who had done the unspeakable thing, not her.
I sighed heavily.
If only I had not told Olivia I’d found someone new.
But I had, which meant I now had to bring a date. Where the hell was I going to get a date from? There was my friend, Emma’s brother. He was pretty good looking and a nice guy to boot.
I chewed my bottom lip. No, that wouldn’t work. I told Olivia I’d found someone new in the city.
No, I needed a brand-new suitor, someone who would make Tiffany rethink the idea that she’d gotten the better of me. It came to me like a lightbulb. I could hire an out of work actor to be my date for the wedding.
But paying someone was risky. My family was inquisitive and one little mistake on his part and they would know it was all a sham. My stepmother was like a ferret for gossip and rumors. And the humiliation that would bring would be intolerable. I could already imagine the delight in Tiffany’s eyes. It would be the best present I could ever give her.
No, I would just get on one of those online dating sites. If that didn’t work, maybe, I could hang out in some of the trendier bars in town.
How hard could it be to find someone respectable in such a big city?
I decided there and then I was going to attend that wedding with my head held high, and a wonderful new boyfriend on my arm, and afterwards, I was never going back to my sleepy hometown ever again. Once this was over, I wanted to stay as far away from my family as I could.
Feeling greatly cheered, I scooped Pogo into my arms and went to pour myself a glass of wine.
I buried my nose in his soft neck and breathed deeply. I loved him so, so, so much. Pogo turned his head and licked my cheek. “You were right about her all along, my darling. She’s a manipulative grade A bitch. And all that strong perfume she wears day and night has killed off her sense of smell. You don’t stink. If fact, you smell heavenly,” I told him as cold wine splashed into my glass.