Page 43 of Heat of the Moment
The waiter appeared. “The usual, Monsieur?”
“Yes, and whatever the ladies are having.”
“I’m just going to have water. I have to take the bus in two hours,” Olivia said.
“I’ll have whatever he’s having,” I told the waiter.
“Tres bien, Monsieur,” he said with a respectful nod, and withdrew.
“Do you come to this restaurant often?” Olivia asked conversationally.
“Sometimes. The company has an account here so it’s convenient.”
“Will you be putting this dinner on the company expenses too?” I asked sweetly.
He smiled at me, but his eyes seemed to be drinking me in. “Not this one.”
I stared back unable to move, hypnotized by his gaze. He looked away from me and turned his attention back to Olivia. “We should order soon if you have to leave in less than two hours.”
The food was ordered, and Olivia raved about it so I guess it must have been good. They certainly looked like works of art, but to be honest I tasted nothing. I was too anxious and edgy. I listened to Olivia chattering about New York and how exciting it was, I heard Rex make his little comments here and there, and the whole time my stomach was in a tight, tense knot.
Eventually, after what seemed like an eternity, it was time for Olivia to leave. He had arranged for a car to take her to the meeting place she had arranged with her friend. I hugged her goodbye.
“It’s all going to be okay. He’s one of the good guys,” she whispered in my ear.
Then she was gone and we resumed our seats.
“I’ve dry-cleaned the clothes that Nina let me borrow. Maybe you can get someone to pick them up.”
“I don’t think she’ll be wanting those back. Just keep them.”
Of course, she wouldn’t. He had obviously paid for it all. I reached down to my bag and took out the flat package I had brought.
“The jewelry from the safe,” I said.
“Right,” he said smoothly, but he didn’t make any attempt to take the package.
“I put the slice of cake that Mrs. Dearborn sent for you inside too.”
His eyebrows rose. “She sent me a piece of cake?”
“Yup, it seems you’ve really impressed her. You’ve got a fan for life.”
He grinned suddenly. “I hate fruitcake.”
I didn’t smile back. “I noticed you haven’t cashed my check yet.”
His grin died. “Yeah, I should get around to it. Been busy.”
“Also, here’s your bonus,” I said, pushing the envelope with a check in it.
He frowned. “No. I left early. Keep it.”
“No, you earned it. You went well and truly above what you were supposed to do. You deserve it. Just for the great sex alone, you deserve it,” I insisted.
“I booked a room for us upstairs.” His voice throbbed.
I stood. “Let’s go then.”
Rex kicked the door shut behind him, jerked me toward him and crushed his lips to mine. He bit my bottom lip and sucked my tongue like a starving animal.
Before my hands could even move to undress him, he’d already completely stripped me. Naked, he carried me to the bed and threw me down on it. I watched while he undressed and rolled a condom on. He got on the bed, grabbed me by my ankles and opened my legs wide. Excitement flared in his eyes as he stared down at my spread, wet pussy.
There was such hunger in his eyes. It was as if he had longed for me as much as I had longed for him.
A whimper of need escaped my mouth. God, how I wanted the feel of him inside me again. It felt as if years had passed since he was inside me.
He ran his finger along the slit of my pussy and put it in his mouth. He closed his eyes for a few seconds as if he was reconnecting with something he had missed greatly.
His thrusts were rough and fast, just the way I needed them. I wrapped my legs around his waist, drawing him deeper into me. My nails raked his back. I lost track of time and place as each plunge took me closer to my orgasm.
I let out inhuman sounds, but it seemed beyond me to do anything about it. All I cared about was chasing that orgasm, which seemed out of my reach. Tears squeezed out of the corners of my eyes.
“Faster, Rex,” I pleaded.
He obliged instantly, slamming into me, then lifting himself almost all the way out of me, and ramming it home again. His scent of pine and clean sweat was intoxicating. I clenched my teeth and half-rose as an orgasm crashed into me, making me scream like a mad woman.
“Fuck, you’re even more beautiful than I remembered,” Rex growled, just before he found his own release.
He lay next to me, breathing hard. We were both staring at the ceiling. Seconds ago, where he ended and I began, I couldn’t have said, but now a chasm too deep to cross was opening up between us.