Page 16 of Wrapped Up in You
“Thank you for the gift. It made Jordan’s day.”
“You’re welcome,” he says, hitting me with a heated look that warms my insides despite it being chilly outside.
I stare back for several seconds, feeling almost like I’m having an out-of-body experience. I spent years with Trent, was attracted to him and turned on by him. Yet I can’t recall him ever being able to pull so many different emotions out of me with just a single look. The thought is both exhilarating and terrifying.
“Pierce, there you are,” an older woman says, breaking Pierce’s hold on me. “I’m Marta Adler,” she says, taking my hand in both of hers and shaking it. “Pierce’s mom and Tilly’s grandma.”
“It’s nice to meet you,” I say back. “I’m Kelsie Albright. My daughter, Jordan, is running around here somewhere.”
My eyes scan the area and find Jordan standing with Tilly, a drink in one hand and a cookie in the other. She’s smiling from ear to ear. The visual has me wanting to cry in happiness and thank Pierce again for saving the day… once again.
“Oh, yes,” she says sweetly. “You work at The Busy Bean with Dorothy.”
“You know her?” I ask dumbly, forgetting this is a small town and everyone seemingly knows everyone.
“Of course. She’s a good friend and on the event committee with me.” She glances between Pierce and me. “How did you two meet?” she asks, raising a single brow at Pierce.
He barks out a laugh and shakes his head. “Real subtle, Mom.”
He snakes an arm over her shoulders and pulls her into his side, kissing her cheek, and my heart swells at the apparent close relationship between the two of them. I hope Jordan and I will be close like that when she’s older—unlike the lack of relationship my mom and I have.
“Kelsie and her daughter made a delicious cake and were sweet enough to share it with me,” he says with a wink that only I can see since his mom is tucked under his arm.
His mom looks up at him, a bit confused, but doesn’t question him. Instead, she glances my way and smiles. “Well, it’s lovely to meet you. I’m sure I’ll see you around.” She pats Pierce’s stomach. “Sara said to tell you that you better grab a cupcake because they’re going quickly.”
“Mmm,” Pierce groans, “Sara is my sister-in-law and Tilly’s mom, and she makes the best chocolate cupcakes with fudge frosting in the middle.” He removes his arm from around his mom and scoops up my hand. “C’mon, Kelsie, let’s grab a cupcake and a sled. You can share with me.”
“A cupcake?” I ask dumbly because his hand in mine has my brain going haywire.
“No.” He chuckles. “I don’t share cupcakes. You’ll have to eat your own.”
He glances down at me with a playful smirk, then leans in, his face coming so close to mine. I hold my breath, wondering what he’s doing. There’s no way he’s going to kiss me, right? That would be crazy.
His five o’clock shadow scratches the side of my cheek, and his lips come so close to my ear that his warm breath causes goose bumps to prickle my skin. “We can share a sled, though,” he murmurs. “I promise to keep you warm.”
Before I can ask what the heck he’s talking about, he’s dragging me to the food and drink station. He stocks up on cupcakes and cookies, then hands me a hot chocolate, keeping one for himself.
When we walk toward where the giant screen is, adorable sleds are scattered all over the area. I look around and find Jordan is getting her face painted. Her eyes lock with mine, and I wave so she knows I can see her. She waves back and smiles the most precious smile.
I turn my attention back to Pierce. “You’ve done so much for Jordan and me, and you don’t even know us. Thank you,” I tell him, needing him to know how much it means to me. Accepting help from someone isn’t easy, but seeing Jordan happy is worth setting my pride aside. “If there’s any way I can repay you…” I know he won’t let me actually pay him back, but if there’s some way I can return the favor…
“You can join me in this sled and watch Happy Feet with me,” he says, his eyes sparkling in the light. He hands me his hot cocoa for a second, then reaches into the sled, pulling out a cute, fluffy Happy Feet blanket. The barn isn’t heated, so even though it’s keeping the wind and most of the chill out, it’s still cool inside.
“This is such a cute party,” I tell him, stepping inside the sled and sitting down.
He joins me and takes his cocoa back, setting it in the cupholder on the sled. “Sara is a stay-at-home mom now, but she used to do party planning before she had Tilly. She lives for stuff like this.”