Page 26 of Wrapped Up in You
“Who are you trying to convince, Kels?” I eye her pink-tinted flesh, and she flushes harder. “Me…or you?”
Without giving her a chance to answer, I stand and take our plates to the sink. Kelsie can keep telling herself all she wants that we can only be friends, but we both know that deep down she wants more than that. Now, I just have to convince her that it’s okay to give in to what we both want.
Colored or white lights?
I glance at my phone, confused by his question. It’s been a little over a week since we hung out at his family’s ranch, and every day since then, he’s been sending me random questions. Usually, they’re about me—what’s my favorite color? Favorite food? Am I a lefty or a righty? What kind of music do I listen to?
At first, I simply responded, but when he started typing his answers without me asking him any back, I felt terrible and started to participate, shooting back a few questions of my own. I thought the game would be over quickly, but it’s still going strong. And—not that I would admit this to him since I have a feeling that he was full of it when he said he’s fine as just friends—I’m rather enjoying it. Oftentimes, the questions and answers lead to a conversation, and it’s been nice having an adult conversation.
Except at this moment, because I’m not sure what the heck he’s talking about.
What does that mean?
He’s at the station, so I pocket my phone, since it can take him a while to respond, returning to wiping down the tables in preparation for closing. It was crazy busy this morning, but it’s died down, and Dorothy said we’re closing early for the holiday weekend—which is a good and bad thing. I’ll get the next four days with Jordan, but it means I won’t be making any money either. I’ve considered picking up a second job, but I’m not sure how that will work if I try to start school in the spring—something that is necessary if I ever want a job that won’t leave me living paycheck to paycheck.
My phone buzzes in my pocket, so I pull it out to check it and find two GIFs from Pierce: one is of a Christmas tree with multicolored lights, and the other is of one with white lights.
White is so elegant, but there’s something about colorful lights that makes the tree feel magical.
I agree. Themed tree or random?
You skipped right past me asking a question, but to answer your question: Before the house caught fire, I had ornaments I collected growing up and a couple from when Jordan was born. Unfortunately, when we lost everything in the fire, we lost them as well. So, Jordan and I have started a new ornament collection. Every year, we buy a new one to add to the tree. It’s not themed, but not random, either. You?
This is my first Christmas in my house, but I think I’ll use the tree at the station as my own. You get a tree yet?
My heart sinks at his question. I was hoping that finally living on my own would mean having a real tree again, but real trees are expensive. As much as Jordan and I want one, I can’t justify spending that kind of money.
But I’m not about to tell Pierce that, so instead I type back:
Going this weekend.
It’s not a lie since I’m planning to get one this weekend—only it will be fake and small enough to sit on our table. I had wanted to get it before Thanksgiving—since that’s always been the tradition—but I kept putting it off, hoping to squeeze enough money from somewhere to get a full-size tree. Unfortunately, that won’t be happening—and I know Jordan will be sad.
I push my phone back into my pocket so I can finish closing the café. Dorothy shows up as I’m putting the last of the bakery items into the freezer to lock up. She wishes me a Happy early Thanksgiving and says she’ll see me Monday.
Then I head out to pick up Jordan from school. I’m not even a block from work when Pierce pulls up next to me in his massive truck, his passenger window rolled down.
“I was hoping to catch you before you got off,” he calls through the window with a boyish grin.
I can’t help but notice that his hair is longer than the last time I saw him and a bit tousled, giving off I just woke up vibes—even though I know he didn’t. His face is scruffy, so when he smiles, that adorable dimple is hidden. When he’s clean-shaven, he’s handsome, but with his hair like this, he looks ruggedly sexy.
His smirk widens into a full-blown smile, and I realize I’ve been caught checking him out.