Page 37 of Wrapped Up in You
I’m sitting on my couch, staring at the fireplace and wondering if it’d make me look desperate if I invited myself over for dinner, when a text from Kelsie comes through:
Jordan and I are doing a pizza and movie night. If you don’t have plans, you’re welcome to join.
I’m out of my seat and into my truck so fast I forget to text her back until I’m almost out of the ranch and onto the main road. Once I let her know I’m on my way, I text my nephew to offer him twenty bucks to let Cinder out later. He’s a teenager who can always use the money, so of course he says it’s no problem.
“I think she’s out.” Kelsey glances down at a snoring Jordan and giggles softly. “Let me put her to bed.” She gathers her up and disappears down the hall, returning a few minutes later. “Out like a light.”
“Kid can sleep, huh?” On the way home from ice skating, Jordan passed out and didn’t wake up until we got home.
“Play hard, sleep harder,” she says with a laugh. She glances at the paused Disney movie and then back at me. “If you don’t have anywhere to be, we can…umm…watch a more adult movie.” She shrugs shyly, and I reach out and grab her hand, tugging her to me.
“There’s absolutely nowhere else I want or need to be.” I frame her face and look into her beautiful emerald eyes. “I want to kiss you, Kels. Can I kiss you?”
“I think we passed your need to ask if you can kiss me around the time I orgasmed in your lap,” she says off-handedly. Realizing what she just said, her eyes widen, and she flushes a dark shade of pink.
“Last night, the chemistry was flowing, and the hormones were high. I don’t want you to do anything you’ll regret.”
“I don’t regret anything we did last night,” she says, shaking her head. “And I won’t regret kissing you now.”
The second her words stop, her mouth attacks mine, her tongue penetrating past my parted lips. We kiss like this for several minutes, until I feel her grind against my groin. And I know if I don’t stop things now, I might not ever…
So, with every ounce of restraint I have, I end the kiss and pull her off me, setting her down next to me. When she pouts, not thrilled about me ending our make-out session, I run my finger across the seam of her lips then lean in and give her a soft kiss.
“As much as I want things to escalate, I meant what I told you before: when we’re together for the first time, I want to be able to take my time with you, make you scream my name. And that can’t happen with Jordan sleeping in the other room.”
She rolls her eyes, but the pout is replaced with a small smile. “Fine. Pick a movie.” She hands me the remote then lies on the opposite end of the couch.
I swipe through several movies, then stop on one she says she loves and click play. I honestly don’t care what we watch—just hanging out with Kelsie is good enough for me.
We watch the movie briefly before I start craving her touch. It’s crazy how much of an addiction she’s become in such a short amount of time. Since she looks comfortable the way she is, with her head on the pillow, I lift her feet onto my lap and start massaging her sock-clad feet.
“That feels good,” she moans quietly.
“How does this feel?” I ask, moving my fingers to her calves.
“Like heaven.”
I chuckle and keep massaging until she shifts slightly and says, “Higher.”
I pause what I’m doing and stare at her, finding her now on her back with her legs open enough for me to see up the tiny cotton shorts she’s wearing.
I can see what she’s doing, and a part of me wants to stop it from happening, but the look of unadulterated lust in her eyes has me obeying her request.
Grabbing the blanket off the back of the couch, I drop it on top of us, just in case Jordan were to walk out. I shift closer to Kelsie so her feet are dangling on the other side of my body and the backs of her knees are resting on my lap. Then I go back to massaging her creamy flesh for several minutes before she spreads her thighs even more and says once again, “Higher.”
Fuck, this woman is going to be the death of me. With my eyes still on the screen, since hers are, I slide my fingers along the inside of her thighs and up one of the gaps in her shorts. When my fingers reach her underwear, it’s damp.
Pushing the material to the side, I run my fingers up her pussy lips. There’s a tiny bit of hair there, and even though I can’t see it, I imagine it’s trimmed neatly, just the way I like it.