Page 48 of Wrapped Up in You
“Yes, you can, sweetheart,” he croons, tweaking my nipple while his other hand sweeps my hair to the side to press his lips to my heated flesh, trailing kisses along my neck and shoulder.
“Pierce,” I moan when his hand glides around my front and finds my already sensitive clit.
“That’s it… I can feel it. You’re so close. Come, baby. Come and choke the fuck out of my cock,” he says as he slides in and out of me, stroking places I didn’t even know existed.
I don’t know if it’s his cock hitting me just right, his fingers stimulating my nipple, the sensual kisses he’s trailing along my flesh, or the way his thumb is rubbing my swollen clit—or maybe it’s a combination of all of the above—but all too quickly, the overwhelming pleasure is sending me over the edge and into the abyss, as bright colors followed by darkness fill my vision.
Everything goes quiet, and when I finally open my lids, I’m in Pierce’s arms, his warm hazel eyes looking down at me.
“You came so fucking hard.” He smirks, clearly proud of the fact that he made me orgasm so hard I’m almost positive I blacked out. “Let’s take a shower. We both need to get cleaned up.”
With my arms wrapped around his neck, he carries me to the bathroom and sets me on the counter. Lost in the fog of my orgasm, I watch as he turns the water on and finds two towels under the sink. It isn’t until he spreads my legs and pushes a single finger into me that I snap out of it.
“What are you doing?”
I try to close my legs because there’s no way I can handle another orgasm after the two he just gave me.
“Feeling my cum mixed with yours.” He grins mischievously. “I’ve never been a possessive guy, yet the thought of you being filled with my cum does crazy shit to me, sweetheart. If I have it my way, I’m going to make you come every chance we get.”
Thanks to my post-orgasm brain, it takes me a second to piece together what he’s just said, but when I do, I gasp, realizing an important detail we forgot.
“I’m not on birth control.”
Pierce blinks several times while I hold my breath, preparing for the freak-out. But then he simply shrugs… Shrugs!
“Pierce, did you hear me? I’m not on birth control. I could get pregnant.”
“I bet you looked beautiful when you were pregnant.”
“Pierce-I don’t know your middle name-Adler, be serious for a moment, please. We just started this. I already got pregnant once by accident. I don’t want to make the same mistake twice.”
“It’s Joshua…”
“My middle name is Joshua, and Jordan wasn’t a mistake,” he says, his tone suddenly serious. “I know you would never consider her one, and if you were to get pregnant, this baby wouldn’t be a mistake either. They would have been conceived out of love.”
He steps toward me and presses his palm to my face. “I love you, Kels. If you’re not ready to have a baby, I’ll use protection from now on, but anything created between us wouldn’t be a mistake. I might not have known Trent, but I know you, and I know that when Jordan was created, it was out of love. So, you want to tell me who the fuck told you that she was a mistake?”
Tears fill my eyes as I admit, “My parents and Trent’s. We were young, and she was an accident. We used protection, but I still got pregnant, and my parents told me to abort my baby, or they would cut me off.”
“And you chose your baby,” he says, a soft smile on his face.
“She was a surprise. Still, you’re right, she’s not a mistake.”
“Our baby wouldn’t be one, either,” he says. “But as I said, if you’re not ready to have a baby, I’m okay with that.”
“You are?”
“I sure as hell wouldn’t be opposed.” He shrugs. “The thought of you swelling with my baby inside you turns me on.” He smirks. “But until you’re ready, we can practice…a lot.”
The thought of being with Pierce regularly excites me. It’s been years since I’ve been with a man sexually, and even when I was with Trent, it wasn’t like it is with Pierce. The man knows what he’s doing, that’s for sure. Which makes me wonder…
“How did you go so long without sex?” I blurt out.
He told me that after he and his ex broke up, he wasn’t interested in being with other women. He confided that she was the last woman he was with, and that was three years ago. Yet, when he’s around me, it seems like he’s far too sexual to have gone years without sex.
Pierce backs up slightly and looks into my eyes. “The truth is, I didn’t even think about sex the past few years. After Tanya and I broke up, I was bitter as fuck. Not because I was in love with her, but because I gave up so much for her and she turned around and cheated. I told myself I needed time to get my life back on track, which led to me working a shit ton of hours and building my house.”