Page 65 of Wrapped Up in You
“I think maybe we got off on the wrong foot here,” the husband finally says. “We came here to see Jordan. It’s been months, and Kelsie hasn’t been returning our calls.”
“Because for the first time, I’m actually happy,” Kelsie says. “And I knew if I let you in, you’d ruin it. And I was right. You took one look at my engagement ring and threatened to take me to court for custody of Jordan.”
“The fuck?” I bark. “You both need to leave. Now.” I remove my arm from around Kelsie and go to the door. “We’re getting married in two weeks, then we’ll be going on our honeymoon. Once we return after the New Year, we can sit down and discuss you both spending time with Jordan. Until then, you aren’t going to ruin the girls’ holidays. Think about what you want and the right way to go about getting it, then try again after the first of the year.” I open the door, making it clear it’s time for them to go. Thankfully, they leave without argument.
Once they’re gone, I close and lock the door behind them and cut across the room, wrapping Kelsie up in my arms. She cries into my chest, and I hold her, letting her get it all out while I gently rub her back, so she knows I’m here.
“Thank you,” she mumbles after several minutes.
“Baby, you never have to thank me.”
“Yes, I do,” she says, peering up at me with her glassy emerald eyes. “When Trent was alive, he’d let them walk all over me. He’d say it was because they paid for his schooling or that it’s just the way they are and to ignore them. I didn’t want to come between him and his family because mine had already disowned me, so I eventually shut my mouth and just took it.
“You’re the first person to stand up to them, and it means so much to me.” She lifts on her tiptoes and gives me a soft kiss. “Thank you for loving us.”
“It’s the easiest thing I’ve ever done.” And that’s the truth. These two girls make loving them as easy as breathing. Speaking of which… “Jordan’s in her room with Cinder. I heard yelling and didn’t know what was going on.”
“Thank you. The last thing I want is for her to hear any of that.”
When we get to Jordan’s room, Kelsie takes a moment to compose herself before opening the door. “Hey, Lovebug…” Her words trail off, and when I peek in, I see why.
Sitting on the bed with her stuffed lovebug in her lap, Jordan’s silently crying. She looks up, and the tears falling down her cheeks are like knives cutting open my heart.
“Hey, what’s the matter?” Kelsie asks, sitting on the edge of the bed.
Jordan continues to cry, and Kelsie pulls her into her arms.
I notice several torn pieces of paper all over the floor, so I pick one up and see, ‘Dear Santa,’ written on it.
“Jordan, did you rip up your letter to Santa?” I ask, picking up the rest of the pieces.
“Yes,” she whispers.
“Why?” Kelsie asks. “I thought you were going to give it to him tomorrow night.”
“It’s dumb.” Jordan pouts.
“What? Why?” Kelsie asks.
When Jordan doesn’t respond, I wonder if maybe she wants to talk to her mom alone. “Why don’t Cinder and I go check on dinner and give you two girls a few minutes?”
Kelsie smiles sadly and nods in appreciation.
I open the cage for Cinder, but before I can grab her, she bolts straight for Jordan, jumping onto her bed and into her lap, licking the hell out of her face. Despite her being upset, she cracks a smile and pets Cinder.
“C’mon, Cinder,” I call. “Outside.”
Hearing the command word, she gives Jordan one more lick then runs off the bed and out the door.
As I shut the door, I hear Kelsie ask her again what’s wrong, and when Jordan responds, my heart damn near breaks in my chest. “I asked Santa for a daddy. Jennifer said when her mom got married, she got a new daddy. But I heard you talking to Grandma and Grandpa, and Pierce said he’ll never be my daddy.” She chokes out a sob. “Everyone has a daddy but me.”
I shouldn’t be eavesdropping, but I’ll be damned if that precious little girl thinks I don’t want to be her dad. Kelsie and I will need to talk soon, because when I said they were mine, I meant both of them. And if Jordan wants a dad who’s on this Earth to love her, that’s exactly who I’ll be.
“She’s out.”
Pierce nods and smiles, but it looks forced. The way every facial feature of his has looked all evening. After Silvia and Ron left, I had to deal with Jordan having a breakdown regarding her overhearing what Pierce said about not being her dad. He obviously didn’t mean it the way her five-year-old mind took it, but it’s a touchy subject for her, especially living in a small town where everyone knows everyone’s business.