Page 70 of Wrapped Up in You
“Now you can give that place a woman’s touch,” Allison adds, sitting across from her.
“Oh, well, I mean, the place is pretty perfect the way it is,” Kelsie mumbles, her eyes searching for me.
“All right, all right, you guys can hog my fiancée when you go dress shopping tomorrow.” I lift Kelsie off the couch and pull her into my arms on the love seat. She instantly melts into my touch, and I lean in and softly kiss her temple. “I got you, sweetheart,” I murmur so only she can hear.
“Have you bought a dress for the Firemen’s Ball yet?” Allison asks.
Kelsie looks at me in confusion, and I curse myself for completely forgetting about the upcoming charity function we host every year. Several other stations from surrounding areas come to participate. It’s been an annual event since my grandfather was a firefighter, and my grandmother started the tradition.
“It completely slipped my mind,” I admit. “I’ve been so wrapped up in Kelsie that I forgot about it.”
“That’s because you’re in the honeymoon stage of your relationship,” Sara says. “But we’ve got you covered. After we go wedding dress shopping, we’ll find you something.”
“Oh, that’s okay,” Kelsie argues. “I’m sure I can find something in my closet.”
“Not happening, sweetheart.” I wrap my arms around her tighter. “While you’re at it, can you take her shopping for our honeymoon? She’s going to need a week’s worth of clothes.”
“Honeymoon?” Kelsie gasps and turns around to face me. “What are you talking about?”
“You didn’t think we’d get married and not go on a honeymoon, did you?” I look at her incredulously.
“Well, I… I didn’t really think about it. You mentioned it to Trent’s parents, but I just thought you were saying that to piss them off. I didn’t know you were being serious.” She glances over at Jordan, who’s playing a board game with Tilly and Anna—Allison and Jackson’s ten-year-old daughter—and I know exactly what’s going through her mind.
“Jordan’s coming with us,” I tell her. “One day, once you’re ready to leave her for longer than a night, I plan to take you away, just the two of us. However, this trip will be our first family vacation.”
Her eyes turn glassy, and I hate that the most basic things—things that should be a given and are the bare minimum—cause her to become emotional.
“I’ve never been on a family vacation before,” she admits sheepishly.
“Not even with your parents?”
“Nope, when they traveled, I stayed with the nanny or my grandparents, when they were alive. They have a vacation house we would go to during the holidays and a summer place we’d spend the Fourth of July, but it was more like a home away from home.” She shrugs. “So, where are we going?”
“Now that’s a surprise.” I tap the tip of her nose then lean in and kiss her. “Try to find some clothes that will be better for being in warmer weather, though—for you and Jordan.”
Her eyes light up in excitement, and I can’t wait until they find out where exactly we’re going. They’re going to lose their shit in the best way.
We spend the evening eating, drinking, and discussing the upcoming wedding that we have exactly two weeks to plan. Since we’re keeping it small, we’re not doing a wedding party. Jordan will walk down the makeshift aisle first, then Kelsie. Allison has applied to officiate, and my family will be present when we exchange our vows.
We’ll spend our wedding night at home—and Jordan will have a sleepover with Tilly. The next morning, we’re flying out for our first family vacation-slash-honeymoon. I had fully planned to pay for it, but my parents insisted on doing so as our wedding gift.
“I really like your family,” Kelsie tells me later once Jordan is tucked into bed and we’re lying in ours. She’s snuggled up into my side, her leg resting over mine.
“They really like you.” I run my fingertips along her creamy skin, and she shivers in response.
“I didn’t realize we were driving into the city to go dress shopping. Hopefully, we’re back before—” Her sentence comes to a halt, and she shoots up into a sitting position. “Oh my God, Pierce. How am I supposed to get Jordan to school and pick her up?” She looks at me with eyes so wide, they’re comical. “I can’t walk her to school from here. What am I going—”
“Sweetheart, breathe,” I say, holding back my nervous laugh.
I knew this was going to be an issue. Sure, I can take her, but she’d have to drop me off and pick me up on days that I’m working. So, I bought her an engagement present—one I’ve been putting off giving to her because I’m worried she’s going to freak out.
“Pierce, I can’t walk from here. It’s too far.”
“And if you truly believe I would ever let either of you walk, you’ve lost your mind.” I slide off the bed and stand. “Come with me and please keep an open mind.”