Page 18 of Hide With Me (The Game)
Dean cursed under his breath and inched away, and he pulled out his phone.
I had a feeling I knew what it was about, because the signal didn’t remind me of a message received or an incoming call.
“Do you need food or insulin?” I murmured.
He made a face and pocketed his phone again. “I forgot you knew. Food. I’ll go down and order somethin’.”
Right. If he’d decided today to come here, he’d missed the preorder form.
“I’ll save you a seat unless you have other plans.” But I wasn’t satisfied with that. Who knew when I’d get my next chance, so I stepped up to him once more, and I cupped his face and kissed him firmly.
He smiled and kissed me back. “You just became my plan. I’ll be right back.”
Fucking hell, perfect. I couldn’t believe my luck. This would make one fantastic comeback to the land of the living. No more excuses, no more bailing because I had work or was tired, no more running toward solitude when I fucking hated it.
I scrubbed a hand over my mouth and jaw, unable to shake the smile.
Dean disappeared down the stairs, just a second or two before servers appeared with food. Three came up the stairs, and two came out the service elevator with an impressive cart.
I got out of the way but stayed near the stairs, and I hoped I wouldn’t have to chase after Gael again. Even more, I hoped I could get him interested in me when he was ready. Because if he had a crush on Dean already…? I mean, I’d read Gael’s fetish list. He was curious about group play—and I loved to share as long as I got a generous piece for myself. To myself. Being non-monogamous didn’t mean I wasn’t possessive, though that was usually reserved for steady partners. It’d been so long since I’d been in a committed relationship outside the parameters of a kink dynamic that I was wary to shoot for the stars right away.
But who knew?
Gael Grimes
Okay, be cool. Be cool. Be fucking cool.
It would be so damn easy to just run down the stairs, call a cab, and forget about House Mclean forever. Actually, the forgetting part would be anything but easy—the running part, however…
I threw away the paper towel and draped my jacket over my arm, then forced myself to leave the bathroom and go up instead of down. Not back to the first floor, not toward a lifetime of loneliness, but up. Up to the third floor…where Santiago was waiting for me. And I wasn’t imagining the relief in his gaze. It was there. Maybe he’d thought I would leave.
“There you are. They’re serving our food now.”
Could this man really want me? He’d been so straightforward that there’d been no mistaking his intent—and yet, I did…? I freaking hated my doubts.
I hurried over to him, and he smiled reassuringly and led the way back to the terrace.
I didn’t see Professor Aavik anywhere. Perhaps he’d left.
I stayed close to Santiago and tried to summon enough courage to, like…make a move or something. Could I grab his hand? No, gosh, too soon. I wasn’t that gutsy. But I wanted him to know. Because of-freaking-course I was interested. How could I not be? Santiago Jones wasn’t merely the bad boy in a leather jacket and devil-may-care charm and scruff and…all the things that made him look so sexy and rough around the edges. He was super sweet and kind and protective.
At first glance, Santiago was the man you didn’t wanna meet in a dark alley.
At second glance, you wanted to beg him to take you there.
He found us a spot near the middle of the terrace, and he nodded hello to Tate, Master Kingsley, Beau, and…I was fairly sure that was Nathan. He was part of the bondage crowd.
“Are Macklin and Walker here today?” Santiago asked.
“No, they had plans,” Tate answered. He smiled politely at me. “Hey, Gael.”
“Hi.” I smiled back.
I squeezed myself in next to Santiago, and he shrugged out of his jacket and dropped it on the seat across from us.
“For Dean,” he explained.
Oh shit. So he was coming back, huh?
I pushed my own jacket down and trapped it between my feet, and the next minute or so was delivery mayhem while servers and a couple subs ran around to make sure everyone got their preordered meals. The big plate of fries that ended up between Tate and Master Kingsley looked super tasty.
“Santiago Jones?” Gretchen hollered.
“Right here, hon.” Santiago offered a two-finger wave, and Gretchen handed him a plate, then a soda. He’d ordered a delicious-looking Cuban sandwich and fries.
“So good to see you here, Sir.” She gave him a quick hug from behind.
“Uh-uh, you forgot somethin’, pet.” He tapped his cheek.
She laughed and smooched his cheek.
Lucky girl.
“Gretch, have you talked to Ivy?” Tate wondered.